Operational availability of elevators & escalators at muni stations

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Value Accessibility: Focus on the needs of those with the fewest mobility choices, including seniors and individuals with disabilities, to ensure access to all transportation modes.
Metric Operational availability of elevators & escalators at Muni stations
Purpose Operational availability of elevators and escalators is a key measure of Muni service accessibility.
Definition Equipment days without interruption are divided by the total number of equipment days and reported system-wide.
Methodology sum ([equipment in service]) ÷ sum ([number of service days])
Target FY 22-23 Target: Achieve 98% operational availability of elevators and escalators at Muni stations.
Reporting Frequency Monthly
Contact For questions, comments, and accessibility issues, please contact the Performance Team at performance@sfmta.com.

April 2020-April 2021: Due to COVID-19, all Muni stations were shut down for public use, with the exception of some units being used for maintenance staff.  Due to the Muni subway system being unable to be reopened for public use, we were unable to provide information on escalator and elevator availability during this time.

Reported results are subject to change as data quality improves or new data becomes available.


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