Strategic Plan FY 2013 Year-End Metrics Report
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E. This is the FY 2013 Year-End Metrics Report. For...
Press Release--SFMTA Launches E-mail and Text Message Real-time Muni Alerts 11.5.13.pdf
2015-02-06 Makarian.pdf
Muni Quarterly Performance Report - FY 2013 Q4
Each quarter, the SFMTA submits a report to the Board of Supervisors detailing Muni's performance across a broad range of measures, including economic impact of Muni delays. This report details Muni's...
Oversize Vehicle Pilot Evaluation
Meeting agenda 11 6 2013.pdf
CAC Agenda 11-07-13.pdf
11-6-2013 - BOC Meeting Materials
November 6, 2013 - Approved Meeting Minutes
Executive Directive 10-03 Pedestrian Safety in San Francisco
On December 20, 2010, former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom signed an Executive Directive to both implement short-term priority pedestrian safety actions and to create and implement a longer-term...
FY 2012 - 2013 Audit Financial Statements
Annual SFMTA financial statement and comprehensive annual financial report. FY 2012- 2013 (Accessible PDF)
Meeting Flier
Press Release--Board of Supervisors Approves Purchase of 50 Hybrid Muni Buses 10.29.13.pdf
Meeting Flyer
Press Release--SFMTA Joins Supervisors Mar, Breed and Kim to Launch Pilot Program for 5 Fulton Corridor 10.25.13.pdf
Oct 18 2013 payroll data
10.16.2013 Bike Share Open House Boards
10_28_13 Small Business Commission agenda.pdf
San Francisco Pedestrian Strategy
This Pedestrian Strategy provides a path towards making San Francisco the most walkable city in North America. The City is committed to advancing this strategy quickly. As San Francisco continues to...
Media Advisory--Open House Meeting to Present Folsom Complete Street Pilot Project 10.22.13.pdf
ISCOTT Agenda 1327_0.pdf
FY 2006 Year-End Service Standards Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2006 Year-End Report. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files...
FY 2008 Year-End Service Standards Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2008 Year-End Report. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files...
FY 2009 Year-End Service Standards Scorecard Report
Service Standards Reports measure Muni's service goals, and are a mandate of Proposition E. This is the FY 2009 Year-End Scorecard. Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar...