Post Incident Summaries June 2014
Monday, June 30 From 7:15 to 7:51 p.m., the Muni Metro subway experienced delayed service in both directions due to a track switch issue near a side track just beyond Embarcadero Station. From 4:41 to...
Embarcadero Enhancement Project Open House Boards
Press Release--Installation of Red Transit-only Lanes on Market Street Starts this Weekend 072414_0.pdf
Market Street Red Lanes Info Sheet
Strategic Plan Progress Report - July 2014
Strategic Plan Progress Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
Strategic Plan Metrics Report - July 2014
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
ISCOTT Agenda 1344.pdf
8-12-14 Notice of Cancellation.pdf
OCSC Agenda 09-09-2014.pdf
ISCOTT 1344, July 24, 2014 Minutes
Operations and Customer Service Committee meeting minutes, May 13, 2014
FINAL AGENDA PSAC 8 12 2014 .pdf
7-23-14 EMSC Agenda.pdf
Minutes PSAC 8 12 14
Item 4 EMSC minutes, June 25, 2014
Item 9 LRV 4 procurement
Press Release--Transit Operators Vote to Approve Contract Agreement 7.15.14.pdf
SF Charter Section 8A.104
Policy for Placement of Wireless Facilities on SFMTA Owned and Managed Real Estate Assets
2014 SFMTA Transit Fleet Management Plan
The 2014 SFMTA Transit Fleet Management Plan (TFMP) maps out a systematic approach to the ongoing management and planning for rehabilitation and replacement of the SFMTA’s fleet of transit vehicles...
Agenda 5297 7.25.2014.pdf
Real Estate Vision Report Addendum - Vision Refinement for Coach Facilities
Real Estate Vision Report Addendum - Vision Refinement for Coach Facilities.9 MB.pdf
The SFMTA's Real Estate and Facilities Vision for the 21st Century
The SFMTA’s Real Estate and Facilities Vision for the 21st Century. 5 MB.pdf Real Estate Vision Report Appendices A-C. 45 MB.pdf Real Estate Vision Report Appendices D-E. 2 MB.pdf Real Estate Vision...