Types of Stops

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Flag Stop

Flag Stops

In residential areas and other low traffic locations, many stops are “Flag stops” where Muni will stop in the street rather than pull to the curb. At these stops you will need to leave the sidewalk and board directly from the street. Please watch for oncoming traffic when boarding or exiting at these locations. Stay clear of the vehicle after exiting—do not cross the street in front of a Muni vehicle.

Non Accessible Stops

At stops on steep inclines and areas with narrow sidewalks we paint a yellow rectangle with two triangles on the street. This "Sawtooth Stop Bar" indicates that this stop is not accessible to people who use a mobility device. If you request to get off here, the operator will do their best to find a safe place to let you off, however this may be an area other than the designated bus stop.


If the operator is unable to find a safe place to let you off, you may have to get off at the next stop.

Market Street:

On Market Street some stops are located on boarding islands in the middle of the street.  Due to their narrowness, some of these stops are not accessible to people who use mobility devices. A map showing the accessible stops on Market Street is available here.