November 19 >> SFMTA Board considers recommendations to improve parking access in San Francisco

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On November 19, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors will consider a resolution in support of the Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee’s recommendations to improve parking access for people with disabilities.

As you know, the Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee was a stakeholder group comprised of a majority people with disabilities. The group concluded that current disabled parking placard and blue zone policies fail to increase access for people with disabilities, and reduce parking availability for all drivers. After six months of work, the Committee came to a broad consensus on a set of recommendations to increase access and reduce disabled parking placard misuse. The package of state and local changes includes proven solutions used in other jurisdictions.

Since announcing their recommendations six months ago, members of the Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee have conducted 22 presentations to stakeholder groups, and more are scheduled. Outreach events included two widely publicized public forums dedicated to the recommendations and 11 presentations to disability and senior groups; the rest were to merchant, transportation, and other groups.

The SFMTA Board of Directors resolution would provide conceptual support for the recommendations. Many of the recommendations require changes to state law before local rules can change, so there will be more opportunities for public participation and honing the policies during state and then local policymaking.

Visit the project web page
Review the report regarding the committee process, research, recommendations, outreach, and next steps (PDF)
Read the public feedback report (PDF)

SFMTA Board of Directors meeting
Accessible Parking Policy Advisory Committee recommendations
Tuesday, November 19, 1 p.m.
City Hall, Room 400

The Board agenda will be linked to the project web page when it’s available. To obtain a disability-related accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, or to obtain meeting materials in alternative format, please contact Roberta Boomer at 415.701.4505. Providing at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.

As always, please feel free to send feedback to or by calling 415.701.5380.