Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project Background

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The Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project will help fulfill the City’s vision for greater and more equitable access to safe travel and mobility services in SoMa’s historically low-income, transit dependent neighborhood. Over the decades, enhancing and maintaining San Francisco’s transportation infrastructure has played a critical role in the City's transportation and land use development.

The implementation of City plans and policies described below will help ensure that current and future transportation infrastructure continues to improve access and mobility safely and sustainably:


The 2018 Central SoMa Plan refined the transportation recommendations from EN TRIPS and examined potential growth to year 2040 in the central SoMa neighborhood for sustainability, land use, public benefit, and additional transportation improvements. The plan forecasts an additional 8,800 housing units and 32,000 jobs in Central SoMa; the Project Area lies at the northern edge of Central SoMa.