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Colaboración con Potrero Neighborhood Collective

El 21 de noviembre de 2022, la Junta Directiva de SFMTA aprobó la adjudicación del Acuerdo de Predesarrollo (PDA) del Proyecto de Modernización de Potrero Yard para Potrero Neighborhood Collective...


2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 1 of 2

A medida que la ciudad se recupera de la pandemia del COVID-19, la Autoridad de Transporte Metropolitano de San Francisco (SFMTA) está desarrollando una propuesta para restaurar servicio de Muni a...

Project update

Red de Servicio de Muni 2022

¿Cómo debería ser el servicio de Muni en 2022? Desde abril de 2020, la Agencia Municipal de Transporte (SFMTA, siglas en inglés) ha restaurado algún servicio de Muni que existía antes de la pandemia...


2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Open House 2 of 2

A medida que la ciudad se recupera de la pandemia del COVID-19, la Autoridad de Transporte Metropolitano de San Francisco (SFMTA) está desarrollando una propuesta para restaurar el servicio de Muni a...


2022 Muni Service Network Virtual Office Hours

A medida que la ciudad se recupera de la pandemia del COVID-19, la Autoridad de Transporte Metropolitano de San Francisco (SFMTA) está desarrollando una propuesta para restaurar el servicio de Muni a...


Programa de Acceso y Seguridad al Parque Golden Gate

Introducción al proyecto (Project Introduction)

El Programa de Acceso y Seguridad al Parque Golden Gate es una colaboración entre la SFMTA y el Departamento de Recreación y Parques (RPD) de San Francisco. Este programa propone actualizaciones a la...


Reimagine Potrero Yard with Us


Después de casi dos años de escuchar a nuestros vecinos, la SFMTA le invita a una jornada abierta para mostrar el concepto de proyecto propuesto ahora que nos preparamos para presentar una solicitud...


Venga a informarse sobre los planes futuros para Potrero Yard


Por favor venga a vernos y a pasar un día en el parque para informarse sobre los planes futuros para Potrero Yard y hacer una visita guiada para verlo por dentro. ¡Traiga a sus amigos y familiares...


Muni Forward 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

Introducción al proyecto (Project Introduction)

As part of Muni Forward, SFMTA has identified the 5 Fulton corridor as being a part of its proposed Rapid Network. In most cities, a Rapid Network is bus service with dedicated lanes and vehicles that allows transit to move swiftly on the street. With our Rapid Network, we intend to build transit priority lanes with efficient stop spacing to move buses quickly along their routes. We’ll also create better boarding zones to make it safer and faster for passengers to get on board, and make it easier to find our bus stops and shelters with improved signage.

The 5 Fulton route carries about 19,000 daily customers on an average weekday. The route’s study corridor is 5.6 miles long and includes Fulton Street between La Playa and Central Avenue, Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets, and McAllister Street between Central Avenue and Market Street. Within the study area, the 5 Fulton operates at an average speed of 9.7 miles per hour during peak periods.  In order to reduce transit travel times and improve reliability within its proposed Rapid Network, the SFMTA proposes a toolkit of measures within the study area.

5 Fulton Rapid Proposal Overview

5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

What's Included in the 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal?

To reduce travel times and enhance reliability on the routes that make up its proposed Rapid Network, Muni Forward has identified a variety of Travel Time Reduction Proposals (TTRPs), which are engineering strategies oriented to specifically address the delays vehicles face along rapid routes. As a part of the proposed Rapid Network, the 5 Fulton has its own toolkit of TTRPs, which specifically target the evaluated causes of delays within the 5 Fulton corridor. The proposal includes:

  • Increasing bus stop spacing from 1.5 blocks to two blocks east of Arguello Boulevard and from two blocks to three blocks in the Richmond District. Currently, the 5 Fulton stops about every 1.5 blocks between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard and about every two blocks in the Richmond District. This proposal moves toward a two-block spacing between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard where blocks are longer and toward a three-block spacing in the Richmond District where blocks are shorter. By stopping fewer times, the bus would take less time to move through the corridor.
  • Optimizing bus stop locations at 12 intersections. Relocating bus stops from the near-side to the far-side of intersections would allow buses to take advantage of planned transit signal priority improvements that could allow traffic signals to be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. Where the 5 Fulton turns at the STOP-controlled intersection of Central Avenue and McAllister Street, this proposal would relocate the bus stops to the near-side of the intersection, eliminating the need for buses to stop once for the STOP sign and again to pick-up and drop-off customers.
  • Adding transit bulbs at 16 intersections. Transit bulbs are sidewalk extensions alongside bus stops that allow buses to pick-up and drop-off customers and reduce delay by preventing the bus from having to pull out of the travel lane into a bus stop and then wait for a gap to merge back into traffic. Transit bulbs enhance the ability of buses to take advantage of all-door boarding and provide space for transit shelters and other customer amenities.
  • Replacing all-way STOP-controlled intersections with traffic signals or traffic calming measures at nine intersections. Currently, the 5 Fulton is delayed by having to stop at multiple intersections with STOP signs. Some STOP signs could be replaced with traffic signals that could be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. At some intersections along McAllister Street, traffic calming measures could replace STOP signs and eliminate the need for buses to come to a complete stop while maintaining pedestrian safety. Potential traffic calming measures include traffic circles or sidewalk extensions.
  • Adding right-turn pockets at 4 intersections. Right-turn pockets would reduce Muni delays associated with buses waiting behind right-turning motorists by providing a dedicated space for turning vehicles to queue.
  • Implementing a road diet on Fulton Street between Stanyan Street and Central Avenue. Within this six block segment of Fulton Street, the travel lanes are too narrow to allow large vehicles such as buses to travel alongside other vehicles moving in the same direction. By removing one travel lane in each direction and widening the remaining travel lanes, delays would potentially be reduced.
  • Adding peak-period parking restriction along east side of Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets. Parking and loading along this block of Central Avenue delay Muni vehicles and make it difficult for buses traveling in opposite directions to pass each other. Restricting parking on the east side of Central Avenue during peak periods would provide more space for buses to maneuver and would reduce Muni delays.
  • Adding pedestrian bulbs or islands at 3 intersections. Two treatments are being considered to shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian safety. Pedestrian bulbs are sidewalk extensions at intersection corners that improve pedestrian safety by reducing the roadway crossing distance, making pedestrians waiting to cross the street more visible to approaching motorists, and reducing the speed of motorists turning from cross streets. Pedestrian islands provide a raised refuge area in the middle of the street for crossing pedestrians.
Together, the proposed changes are anticipated to reduce the travel time of the 5 Fulton by about six minutes in each direction (12 minutes total) within the study area (18 percent reduction), improving the average operating speed to 11.7 miles per hour and improving service reliability. Transit signal priority improvements are anticipated to save an additional 1.5 minutes in each direction. Other changes such as operational improvements and network enhancements would further improve travel times along the corridor and add valuable customer amenities such as NextBus displays. The travel time savings would also reduce operating costs on the line and allow for service to be cost effectively increased.

Fast Tracked Segment

Note that approval and implementation of the following segment of this Rapid Proposal is being fast-tracked:
  • Fulton Street between 46th and 25th Avenues
Specifically, this segment is proposed for fast-tracking for the purpose of coordinating with an already-scheduled repaving project, which is anticipated for initiation between the Spring and Fall of 2014.

Related Projects

  • Approved 5-Fulton Service Adjustments
    • On March 28, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved and legislated many of Muni Forward's proposed service and route changes, including service adjustments for the 5-Fulton. These adjustments include route restructuring, frequency improvements, and vehicle type changes, which will direct resources where they are needed most, reducing crowding and improving connections to regional transit.
  • 5-Fulton Rapid Service
    • View current Rapid Service for the 5-Fulton
Project update

Bayview Community Shuttle - April Update

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Project update

Red de Servicio de Muni 2022

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Plan Aprobado por la Red de Servicios Muni 2022

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Muni Moves You

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Project update

M Ocean View Project Approved by SFMTA Board 

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