We wanted to provide you with an update on implementation of the West Portal Station Safety and Community Space Improvements Project.
Horseshoe redesign: station murals complete, other improvements to be implemented in April and May 2025
In January, local artist Emily L. Fromm painted wayfinding murals on the West Portal Station walls.
These murals were designed by SF Public Works’ Landscape Architecture team to highlight the historical tunnel’s design and help Muni riders more easily find their way to the correct platforms. We appreciate the positive feedback we’ve heard so far from community members.
The remaining elements of the planned West Portal horseshoe upgrades are expected in April and May 2025. The schedule for installation of these elements is later than previously expected due to long lead time to procure materials and the need to install some materials after the end of the rainy season.
- In April, we expect to paint decorative crosswalks at the intersections of Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street and Lenox Way.
- In May, we expect to add a street mural, planters and bikeshare station. In addition to beautifying the area, these elements are designed to discourage people from walking across the rail tracks outside of designated crossing locations.
Completed in January: right-turn calming at intersections of Ulloa Street and Claremont Avenue and Vicente Street/Portola Drive/ Santa Clara Avenue.
In January, SFMTA crews installed safe-hit posts at these two intersections to encourage cars to make slower right turns and yield to people walking in the crosswalk.

Right-turn calming at Ulloa Street and Claremont Boulevard.
Expect in April: Flashing beacon at Ulloa and Wawona streets crosswalk
We expect to add a new a new flashing beacon on the east crosswalk of Ulloa Street at Wawona Street in April. The beacon will increase the visibility of people crossing Ulloa Street.
Next steps: project evaluation
After all implementation work is complete, we will perform an evaluation of all project changes with a goal to assess how closely we are meeting the project’s goals. The evaluation will include collecting data on traffic volumes and speeds, driver compliance with vehicle restrictions, perceptions of safety, and frequency of customer visits to West Portal businesses, among other metrics.
Prior to the project’s implementation, we collected data to reflect initial conditions and will collect more data to reflect conditions after implementation later this year. When draft evaluation results are available, we will share them with community members and can consider whether any additional project adjustments are necessary.