Following the March 17 Engineering Public Hearing, the project design for the Cayuga Avenue Slow Street project was approved by the City Traffic Engineer. In conjunction with the previous community outreach phases of project, the Public Hearing provided an official venue for people to provide input on the design proposal.
View the directive for implementation.
Thank you to everyone who provided their input on the project by attending the Public Hearing or by submitting a written comment! Our project team is pleased to move forward with implementation and to be able to project an estimated timeline for the completion of Cayuga Avenue Slow Street!
Elements of the project design will be implemented in phases, depending on the availability of materials and in coordination with our crews and key stakeholders along the corridor. The following is the estimated timeline to implement Cayuga Avenue Slow Street:
May 2023
- Slow Street pavement markings will be installed to raise awareness of Cayuga Avenue as a Slow Street.
- Soft diversion (Slow Streets-branded flexible delineators) at the intersections of Niagara, Lyell, Seneca, Ocean, and San Juan will be installed to promote lower traffic volumes and deter cut-through traffic.
- Continental Crosswalk Markings at the intersections of Niagara, Cotter, Lyell, and on the south end of Rousseau will be painted to support pedestrian crossings.
- Two Painted Safety Zones (PSZs) will be installed at the intersection of Cotter to narrow this wide intersection to encourage slower vehicle turning speeds and increase visibility.
- Slow Street designation on third-party navigation apps will reroute through vehicles off of Cayuga Avenue and onto alternative routes to help keep vehicle volumes low.
Summer 2023
- Slow Streets wayfinding signs and cross-street signs will be installed throughout the entirety of the route to contribute to Slow Street branding and awareness.
- In coordination with Balboa High School’s pick-up and drop-off logistical planning, a median diverter at Geneva will be installed before the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Combined with turn restrictions, this treatment prevents vehicles from continuing through the intersection on Cayuga Avenue. Vehicles must turn right, while bicycles and pedestrians are allowed to continue straight. This treatment further discourages non-local traffic from utilizing the street by preventing vehicles from traveling multiple blocks, supporting low traffic volumes along the Slow Streets corridor.
Late Fall/Winter 2023
- Four new speed cushions will be installed to encourage slower vehicle speeds.
We appreciate the community’s patience as we work towards getting Cayuga Avenue Slow Street in the ground. Following implementation, our project team will collect data on both traffic volumes and speeds throughout the corridor. This information will inform any potential future design adjustments needed to meet the Slow Streets vehicle speed and volume criteria.
Questions? Send us an email at Please include "Cayuga Avenue" in the email subject line.