The Mission / Geneva Safety Project is a community project focused on pedestrian safety, Muni reliability, and loading improvements in the business district of the Excelsior neighborhood. Through near-term and long-term improvements, the project will make it safer and more pleasant to walk, shop, and live along Mission Street from Trumbull Street to Geneva Avenue and along Geneva Avenue from Mission Street to Prague Street.
View the conceptual design for the Mission Street and Geneva corridors approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors in September 2019.
Project Status
The SFMTA Board of Directors approved the project in September 2019. SFMTA installed near-term quick-build improvements in summer 2020 to deliver important safety and transit upgrades in advance of the larger capital project, including:
- 'Painted safety zones' to improve visibility at corners (where concrete bulb-outs will later be added)
- Curb management changes to support access for local businesses
- Transit stop adjustments to improve Muni reliability
Design for the larger capital project is nearing completion by Public Works, which includes engineering for corner sidewalk extensions, new/upgraded signals, roadway striping, and associated changes. Construction of these changes is expected to begin in summer 2022 and continue through 2025. To minimize future impacts to the community, construction is being coordinated with targeted SFPUC utility replacement work and will be followed by repaving Mission Street and Geneva Avenue.
- Legislado (Legislated)
- Implementación / Construcción (Implementation / Construction)
Mission Street and Geneva Avenue are part of San Francisco's Vision Zero High Injury Network – the 13% of city streets where 75% of the severe and fatal collisions occur. Over seven years, five community members were killed, and at least 323 people were injured in crashes in the project area. Additionally, on some blocks of the project corridor, the eight Muni lines that serve the neighborhood have average speeds below five mph. The project will address these issues while making loading improvements to support the over 300 existing storefronts along Mission and Geneva streets.
The project's goals are to:
- Increase safety for all users of the corridor, especially people who walk, bike, and take transit
- Improve transit reliability on the most used bus routes in the neighborhood
- Enhance the business district with loading improvements
From late 2017 to 2018, the project team conducted outreach to understand better the issues and problems the community faces when using Mission Street and Geneva Ave. Outreach included:
- One-on-one meetings with more than 15 community groups
- Door-to-door loading surveying to 175+ businesses
- Participation in four Excelsior and Outer Mission Neighborhood Strategy meetings
- Two Sunday Streets events
- Neighborhood walkthroughs
Project staff used the results of these feedback efforts and collected data to develop a conceptual plan for Mission Street and Geneva Ave. In late 2018 and early 2019, the SFMTA hosted a series of workshops with project stakeholders to refine better the conceptual plan to reflect the community's needs. Notes from those workshops can be found under 'Reports and Documents'. The proposed project design incorporates feedback and suggestions we received from stakeholders representing various groups within the community throughout the three workshops.
In April 2019, the project team hosted two open houses to present the refined designs to the broader community and collect feedback to create the final proposal.
Major project elements developed through data analysis and outreach include:
- New traffic signals, including new signalized pedestrian crossings
- Traffic signal timing improvements and pedestrian 'head-starts'
- Corner bulb-outs
- Transit bulbs and islands
- Transit stop improvements and changes
- Bike lane connectivity upgrades (on Geneva Avenue)
- Loading and curb management improvements
- Fall 2018 - 2019: Outreach, planning, and refinement of the proposed design
- April 2019: Community open houses
- Spring 2019: Environmental review
- Fall 2019: Improvements approved by SFMTA Board
- Summer 2020: Quick-build implementation (painted safety zones, curb management changes)
- 2020 - 2021: Detailed design
- Fall 2022 - early 2026: Full project construction (sidewalk and signal work)