Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project

The Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project was approved at the September 6th SFMTA Board of Directors meeting. The project was substantially completed in January 2023.

Introducción al proyecto (Project Introduction)

As part of the Vision Zero Quick-Build Program, the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project will assess the feasibility of protected bikeways on one or both corridors and implement the improvements on Battery and Sansome streets from Market and Vallejo streets. In addition, the project will evaluate potential pedestrian safety improvements given the high volume of pedestrian activity, particularly at intersections. This project will build off the prior safety improvements made on the northern sections of the corridors through the Sansome Battery Connections Project to provide an improved bike connection to and from the Financial District and Barbary Coast Neighborhood.

Itinerario del proyecto (Project Timeline)
Outreach + Design
Summer 2021 to Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Fall 2022
Estatus del proyecto (Project Status)
  1. Terminado (Completed)
Vecindarios (Neighborhoods)

Segments of both corridors are currently bike routes, but can be challenging to navigate when biking and competing with vehicular traffic. This project seeks to improve the north-south bike connection to and from the Financial District and improve safety and predictability for all traveling on the corridors. This project offers the opportunity to improve safety and connectivity for those biking, walking and riding scooters on the corridors.

The project goals include: 

  • Providing an improved and protected north-south bicycle connection
  • Improving safety for all who travel on Sansome and Battery streets
  • Minimizing delay to transit
  • Balancing and improving overall curb management 

Quick-build projects are intended to include low-cost materials, such as paint and posts to make impactful safety improvements that can be installed by city crews at a much faster rate. All quick-build projects will undergo a thorough evaluation through our Safe Streets Evaluation Program within the initial 24 months of construction. The Safe Streets Evaluation Program will analyze the project before and after implementation to review outcomes and determine design effectiveness. Evaluations will inform near-term modifications and a long-term design for this street.  This also serves an opportunity to make iterative tweaks to project design to ensure that the safety improvements work better for all who travel on the corridor

Please stay tuned for ways you can get involved and be sure to sign up for project updates under the "Receive Updates" section of this page.  

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Información de contacto (Contact Information)