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We Resist! Protest

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On Thursday, January 26, 2017, at 6:00 pm, the groups Idle No More SF Bay, Stand, 350prn, Movement Rights, Women's Earth and Climate Action Network, Diablo Rising Tide, Rainforest Action Network, Chinese Progressive Association, Native American Health Alliance, Do No Harm Coalition and others plan to gather on 7th Street near Market to hold a rally in opposition to the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. In similar recent events, groups have marched to numerous destinations in the City. As of publication time, there is no information on when or where the group will march, but a march is expected. As of the time of this alert posting, the group's Facebook page indicates 2,000 people going to the event

  • Lines/routes: unknown
  • Area: Downtown and unknown

Muni service may be delayed or rerouted, especially in the downtown area.

Customers traveling to and from downtown are advised to use the Muni Metro subway.

Muni vehicles stop only at existing marked Muni stops. Info above may change.
