Project Reports

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Operating Budget Report

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The SFMTA operating budget report promotes financial transparency and integrity by providing public financial reporting on the Agency’s current-year fiscal status. It includes the Agency’s actual operating revenue and expenditures compared to current fiscal year projections and prior years’ results. All numbers are up-to the most current fiscal month in which the bulk of receipts are available.  


The budget report uses fiscal year 2020-21 (FY2021) budgeted operating revenues and expenditures as the basis for projections provided in the report. Because budgeted revenues and expenditures are a summation of expected receipts for the entire year, they must be manually broken-out by fiscal month to allow for presentation on a cumulative, monthly basis. Because the SFMTA has many different operating revenues and expenditures—each with its own unique receipt schedule— projections have been manually distributed across fiscal months according to historical trends and expected time of receipt.  

Projections are a reasonable “best guess” based on available information and may be adjusted from time-to-time as new information becomes available. 

Budget report actuals data will be updated on approximately the 15th of each month and include prior months’ data. This schedule allows for the best approximation of the Agency’s finances given natural lags in revenue collections processing. For example, electronic transit fares (Clipper Card) can take 12 days or longer to be recorded in PeopleSoft, the City’s financial system of record that feeds this report. Each monthly data refresh will reflect the most currently available data, so users can expect that prior months’ actuals will change and become more accurate over time. 


The SFMTA fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year. For example, FY2021 runs from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. July is the first fiscal month in SFMTA’s fiscal year. Operating revenue and expenditure categories depicted in report tables are the standard, top-level format that the SFMTA uses to present its budget and finances to its Board of Directors. 

Please note - The expenditure projection is net of transfer and carryforward budget as well as overhead and allocations.

Prior fiscal years’ data have been adjusted to represent constant dollars. 

Cumulative Revenues

Revenues and Expenditures by Month

Revenue Status

Expenditure Status

Related Division, Dep't or Unit

Outreach Summary for the 1-California Temporary Emergency Transit Lane Project (March 2021)

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The SFMTA conducted extensive outreach this winter to seek input on the proposed transit improvements for Muni's 1 California. Outreach included a mailer sent to properties near the project area, email and text updates, posters along the corridor, meetings with local stakeholders, feedback by phone and email and two communitywide meetings. In response to this feedback and in recognition of the limited street space in this area, the proposal has been revised:

On California Street

  • No change to the previous proposal.

On Clay Street

  • Removed proposed new temporary emergency transit lanes between Leavenworth and Jones streets and Taylor and Mason streets.
  • Removed proposed additional 9 -10 a.m. transit lane hour between Powell and Grant streets. Reduced proposed new evening hours on those blocks by one hour to 3 - 6 p.m. Loading zones at Chinatown Community Childcare Center and Clay Medical Center will be retained.
  • Removed proposed additional morning and evening peak transit lane hours between Grant and Leidesdorff streets.  

On Sacramento Street

  • Removed proposed additional 9 - 10 a.m. transit lane hour between Stockton and Kearny streets. Retained proposed additional evening peak time on these blocks.

Please refer to the Outreach Summary document (PDF) for more details.

Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Embarcadero - Fase 1 Encuesta del segmento central

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Esta encuesta se cerró el 9 de abril de 2021. Casi 1,400 personas compartieron sus opiniones sobre los cambios propuestos al Embarcadero entre Mission Street y Broadway. ¡Gracias! Por favor inscríbase en la lista de correo electrónico para recibir actualizaciones del proyecto o escriba por correo electrónico al equipo del proyecto a

Household Survey Findings

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In fall 2019, the SFMTA's Residential Parking Policy team administered a household survey of residents of multi-family buildings with 50 or more units, located within SoMa, South Beach, Rincon Hill, Mission Bay and Dogpatch.  The targeted buildings were divided between RPP Areas and areas not covered by RPP to allow for comparisons. A total of 118 buildings were selected. Godbe Research Associates (GRA) administered the survey to a total of 18,810 addresses.  From those, the SFMTA received 2,207 valid responses. Individual responses were anonymized and only building-level addresses were provided (no individual unit numbers were provided to SFMTA). Surveys were mailed in four languages: Mandarin Chinese, English, Filipino and Spanish. Residents were asked questions regarding vehicle ownership, travel behavior (such as parking and commuting) along with sociodemographic information.  

There are multiple sections to the survey findings:  Census Data Analysis; Vehicle Ownership and Travel Behavior Differences Across Socioeconomic Groups; Parking Policy Impacts on Parking and Vehicle Access