Thursday, January 17, 2019
The SFMTA Board of Directors provides policy oversight for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods in San Francisco in accordance with the San Francisco Charter and the Transit-First Policy. This includes the San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni), automobiles and trucks, taxis, bicycling and walking. The SFMTA Board of Directors also serves as members of the San Francisco Parking Authority. The SFMTA Board of Directors generally meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm.
This week’s Director’s Report includes:
- Special Recognition of SFMTA Communications employee, Janis Yuen
- Update on Van Ness station incident
- T-Third UCSF Platform Construction
- Station Elevator Project Update
You can watch the meeting in it's entirely at For more information on our Board of Directors and when meetings are held, you can head to our website.
Comments are for the English version of this page.