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Embarcadero Enhancement Project Open House Feedback Summary Available

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Over 200 people attended our project concept design showcase event on October 25, 2018 at the Ferry Building Grand Hall where the project team presented the latest concept design drawings for the corridor in an open house format, allowing members of the public to review materials and discuss items of concern directly with SFMTA, Port of San Francisco, and Public Works staff. In addition, comment cards were distributed and collected at the event, and many of you have taken the time to provide us with comments on the designs to make the Embarcadero a safer, more comfortable, and more intuitive roadway for all users. Thank you to all who participated!

The concept design drawings for the Embarcadero corridor were broken up into three sections and links to view each section are both available on the project website and in the list below:

October Open House Feedback Summary Available Online

In addition to those who attended our Concept Design Showcase, over a dozen people wrote letters to the Port Commission to share concerns about the existing conditions of the corridor and express support for the project. Some regular themes that came up in the letters that echoed those heard from the open house included the desire for more and better near-term bicycle safety improvements, concerns about vehicular speeding along the corridor, and the desire for an accelerated project timeline. The full outreach summary is available at The Embarcadero Enhancement Project Oct 2018 Design Showcase Outreach Summary.

Next Steps

In early 2019, the project team will finalize a conceptualize design report that summarizes all progress on the project made to date. Following, a technical consultant team will assist with project design and traffic analysis. Stakeholder briefings will continue with our next update to the public anticipated in late summer 2019. If you are a representative of a stakeholder, advocacy, community, or merchant group and would like to set up a meeting with the project team, please contact Casey Hildreth at
