Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan

Introducción al proyecto (Project Introduction)

Bayview Bulb-Outs

Following the adoption of the Bayview CBTP, the SFMTA has been hard at work delivering on the promises contained within the plan. The newest stage is the Bayview Bulb-Outs project, a series of 9 pedestrian bulb-outs at 5 intersections across the community that were prioritized by residents of Bayview-Hunters Point. We are going to be out in the community during the months of July, August, and September of 2021 to reconfirm community support for these projects. Construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2022.

You can learn more here with our Fact Sheet or our Community Presentation.

If would like the SFMTA to present on this topic to your community group, please contact

This project was made possible in part by Proposition K Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

APPROVED! The Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan adopted on 2/18

The Bayiview CBTP was adopted on February 18th by the SFMTA Board of Directors. You can read the Final Plan document here.

    Quick-Build Projects Coming Soon

    The SFMTA is committed to restoring trust and delivering real results for the Bayview community. With $600,000 in Quick Build funds, we hope to deliver a range of projects across the Bayview in 2020. Visit the Bayview Quick-Build project page to learn more details.

    What is the Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan?

    The Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan (Bayview CBTP) is a community-driven planning effort funded through a Caltrans Sustainable Planning Grant. The Bayview district, one of San Francisco's traditionally African-American neighborhoods, is culturally rich and resilient - despite being isolated from the rest of San Francisco by transportation barriers like Highway 101. Home to greater proportions of low-income residents, people of color, and immigrants than the City at-large, the SFMTA recognizes that the members of the Bayview community are in need of a robust and diverse transportation network for access to economic and social opportunities – and are more vulnerable to the impacts of future development.

    During this two-year open-ended planning process, SFMTA will partner with residents and community groups to identify transportation priorities which reflect community values and support a growing and resilient Bayview. There are many past, ongoing, and future infrastructure projects and studies across the Bayview, and this plan will bring them all together to create a clear picture of community priorities, City commitments, and future demands on the transportation network.  Bringing together SFMTA technical expertise and the local knowledge of the community, the plan will create a list of local projects for implementation that emphasize walking, biking, taking the bus, and improving access for transit-dependants groups like seniors and residents of public housing. The Bayview CBTP will include conceptual designs for transportation improvements, a priortized implementation plan, and a funding plan to ensure the on-the-ground results for the community. Through this plan, SFMTA hopes to foster a more collaborative and responsive relationship with the residents of the Bayview.

    Itinerario del proyecto (Project Timeline)
    Spring 2018
    Plan Review & Study
    Summer 2018
    Community Engagement
    Summer 2019
    Plan Development
    Winter 2020
    Plan Adoption
    Estatus del proyecto (Project Status)
    1. Planificación (Planning)
    Éxito del proyecto (Project Success)
    Dentro del presupuesto (On budget)
    A tiempo (On schedule)
    Mejoras (Improvements)
    Pedestrian improvements could include better sidewalks or intersection improvements
    Bike improvements could include bike lanes, neighborways, or bike parking
    Bus improvements could include better bus shelters and signal improvements
    Streetscape improvements could include new street trees, public art, or pedestrian plazas

    Community-driven transportation investment plan for the Bayview

    The SFMTA is committed to delivering real projects in the Bayview that directly address the needs and desires of residents. That's why we've already committed $3.61 million towards building out the plan's highest recommendations. Part of that funding is a $600,000 grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to improve Lifeline Transportation services for low-income residents in the Bayview. The community will get to decide how to spend this $600,000 grant through Participatory Budgeting: a democratic process where residents come to together to come up with ideas, devleop them into real projects, and vote on where the money will go. All residents of the Bayview, past and present, are eligible to participate in this process. We will offer opportunities for folks to get involved both online and at our outreach events in the Bayview between September 2018 and July 2019.

    PB voting results

    During this past summer, we held a Participatory Budgeting public ballot where Bayview residents could vote on which community-developed projects they wanted to fund. After counting 375 ballots and coordinating with Supervisor Shamann Walton, we have finalized voting results for PB! Funds are currently in the process of being approved by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. We anticipate delivering on these projects as soon as this summer.

    1. 3 New Transit Assistants (TAs), serving on Bayview transit lines for 3 years ($620,000) - these TAs provide an unarmed safety pressence on transit, and will ride the T-Third, the 29 Sunset, and the 44 O'Shaughnessy
    2. Crosswalk improvements on Bayshore Blvd at Silver Ave ($10,000) - upgrade the striping for the crosswalks at this intersection and retime traffic signals to given pedestrians more time to cross the street
    3. Crosswalk improvements on Williams Ave at Apollo St ($75,000) - upgrade the uncontrolled crosswalk in front of Foodsco grocery store - adding either a pedestrian refuge island or bulb-outs to improve pedestrian safety
    4. Crosswalk improvements on Van Dyke Ave at Third St ($25,000) - improve crosswalk safety with painted safety zones and daylighting the approach to the intersection
    5. New Crosswalk on Donner Ave at Bayshore Blvd ($25,000) - Stripe a new crosswalk across Donner Ave and construct a painted pedestrian island protected by posts to reduce crossing distances for pedestrians
    6. New Bus Shetler on Oakdale Ave at Phelps St ($7,500) - Add a new bus shelter for the 23 Monterey at the Southeast Community Facility; may require relocating existing bike racks
    7. New Bus Shelter on Hudson Ave at Ingalls St ($7,500) - Add a new bus shelter for the 44 O'Shaughnessy and the 54 Felton


    The Bayview CBTP Community Steering Committee is a 12-person committee charged with developing our process & rules for participatory budgeting. This committee will inform our approach, how we conduct our outreach, setting the public ballot, and the rules for voting. The Community Steering Committee will meet 4-5 times over the life of the project. The steering committee application made publicly available in August, and members were chosen in consultation with community partners, government agency partners, and the District 10 Supervisor's office. In the selection of steering committee members, we strove to assemble a group that was representative of the Bayview's diversity. The members of the Community Steering Committee are:

    • Juanita Washington
    • Diego Sanchez
    • Chester Williams (Having Pride UNITI)
    • Alyssa Jones Garner
    • Monique LaSarre (Rafiki Coalition)
    • Ellouise Patton (Bayview CAC); alternate: Tim Chan
    • Linda Mack-Burch (George Davis Senior Center); alternate: James Evans
    • Joi Jackson-Morgan (3rd St Youth Center & Clinic)
    • Jessica Campus (Wu Yi)
    • Christine Le
    • Neo Veavea (Samoan Community Development Center)
    • Raynard Hillis (Bayview HOPE Center)

    All inquiries about the Community Steering Committee should be directed towards

    Project video(s)
    Next Stop Final
    The 2021 APA Awards Ceremony
    Caltrans Logo
    Metropolitan Transportation Commission logo
    San Francisco County Transportation Authority logo
    Información de contacto (Contact Information)
    Christopher Kidd, Project Manager