Muni Forward: Details on Upcoming Changes for Routes 28R, 18 & 35

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Monday, April 18, 2016

We announced our plans last week to launch our biggest set of service improvements yet to boost frequency, reduce crowding, and connect people to more destinations.

There’s a lot of information to take in about the changes, which start April 23. So today we want to dive into the details on some of the changes to route alignments coming to the 28R 19th Ave. Rapid, the 35 Eureka and the 18 46th Avenue. We also wanted to clarify that the 2 Clement will not see any route alignment changes in this round of improvements.

28R 19th Avenue Rapid

A map of the new 28R route running between California Street in the Richmond District, along 19th Avenue, Brotherhood Way and Highway 280, stopping at Balboa Park Station and terminating at Geneva Avenue and Mission Street.


The 28R 19th Ave. Rapid is getting revamped to provide better north-south service between the western neighborhoods, running between the Richmond District and the Excelsior District. The 28R will also have extended hours, running Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. – every 10 minutes. With this updated route, the 28R will provide a single connection between the Inner Richmond, the Inner Sunset, Parkside, Stonestown, SF State University and Balboa Park Station, terminating at Mission Street and Geneva Avenue.

The trip on the 28R will also be quicker, as it will no longer make stops at Sloat Boulevard or Lincoln Way. Based on community input, a new stop will be added at Alemany Blvd. and Arch St. to better serve the Merced Extension and Ingleside Heights neighborhoods.

Major 28R Route Changes

  • New northern terminal will be at California Street and 6th Ave (shared with the 44).
  • New southern terminal at Alemany Blvd. and Geneva Ave., with service to the Balboa Park BART/Muni station.
  • Will no longer serve the Golden Gate Bridge or the Marina (still served by the 28 local).
  • Will no longer serve Daly City BART station (still served by the 28 local).

New 28R stops

Inbound to California & 7th Ave

Outbound to Mission & Geneva

Alemany and Geneva

California and 6th Ave.

Geneva and Mission

Arch and Alemany 

Geneva at Balboa Park BART

Geneva at Balboa Park BART

Alemany and Arch 

San Jose and Geneva

California and 12th Ave.

Mission and Geneva

California and 7th Ave.

Alemany and Geneva

Removed 28R Stops

Inbound to California & 7th Ave

Outbound to Mission & Geneva

Daly City BART

Chestnut & Fillmore

19th Ave. and Sloat

Richardson & Francisco

Crossover Dr. & Lincoln Way

19th Ave & Lincoln Way

Park Presidio & California

19th Ave & Sloat

Richardson & Francisco

Daly City BART

Lombard & Fillmore


Chestnut & Fillmore



35 Eureka

We heard loud and clear that the 35 Eureka needs to connect to Glen Park BART station – and now it will.

A map of the 35 Eureka route. Its terminal in Diamond Heights is extended from Bernis Street to Glen Park BART station via Chenery Street.

With other connections to the Castro Muni Metro station and the 23 Monterey, 36 Teresita, 44 O’Shaughnessy and 52 Excelsior routes, the 35 will now put you in reach of the whole city and beyond. Plus, it will run more frequently during commute hours, increasing from every 30 minutes to 25 minutes in the morning, and 15 minutes in the evening.

New 35 Eureka stops

Inbound towards Market and Castro

Outbound to Glen Park Station

Diamond & Chenery

Chenery & Miguel

Chenery at Natick

Chenery at Mateo

Chenery at Roanoke

Chenery at Roanoke

Chenery at Mateo

Chenery at Castro

Chenery at Miguel

Diamond at Chenery

Bemis at Addison

Bosworth at Diamond



18 46th Ave.

The 18 46th Ave. will get a small route tweak that will make a big difference for the community. Based on feedback on the route modification we made in September to provide a more direct connection to 19th Avenue,  we’re making an adjustment to better serve destinations on the northern section of Skyline  and Lake Merced Boulevards.

18 Route Changes

  • Inbound: Existing route on Sloat Boulevard, right on Skyline (southbound), then left on Lake Merced (eastbound) to continue on the existing route.
  • Outbound: Existing route on Lake Merced to Sunset, continue via Lake Merced, then right on Skyline, left on Sloat to continue on the existing route.

New 18 route map:

A map of the new 18 route as described earlier.


Old 18 route map (for reference):

A map of the old 18 route as described earlier.

New 18 stops:

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Outbound to Stonestown

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Skyline & Sloat

Outbound to Stonestown

Lake Merced & Lake Shore

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Lake Merced & Lake Shore

Outbound to Stonestown



Removed 18 stops:

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Outbound to Stonestown

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Sunset & Lake Merced

Outbound to Stonestown

Sunset & Ocean

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Sunset & Ocean

Outbound to Stonestown

Sunset & Lake Merced

Inbound to Outer Richmond

Sunset & Yorba

Outbound to Stonestown


Inbound to Outer Richmond

Sloat & 36th Ave

Outbound to Stonestown


Inbound to Outer Richmond

Sloat & 39th Ave

Outbound to Stonestown



2 Clement: Clarification on Additional Service

The 2 Clement will not see any changes to its route alignment in this round of improvements, but it will see added service on part of the route – electric trolley buses will provide additional service between the Ferry Plaza and Presidio Avenue. and California Street. Existing 2 Clement service will not be affected (except that there may be less crowding due to the added service).

We wanted to help clear up any confusion between this additional service and a possible future change to the 2 Clement alignment approved in March 2014, which is on hold until we conduct further community outreach. Under that plan, the route would be moved off of Clement Street on to California and turn back at 8th Avenue, which would allow the route to be served by electric trolley buses.  

Let us know what you think about the route changes at

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