On Tuesdays we bring you a tidbit of transit news or trivia, either from our own backyard or from around the globe. Thanks for joining us.
Are you ready for some football? With Super Bowl XLIX taking place on Sunday in Arizona, many here will be looking for a top spot to take in all the action. For pigskin fanatics, there are plenty local places that will be hosting Super Bowl parties, even a vegan option. And NBCUniversal will offer a live stream of the game for free.
For those lucky enough to be heading to the game in Glendale, AZ, near Phoenix, the region’s Valley Metro Transit has figured out the best way to “kick-off” the weekend—providing enhanced public transit.
The transit agency has extended their light rail hours and capacity starting tomorrow and has set up special stations in downtown Phoenix for fans. For those driving in, they’ve also set up eight park-and-ride locations in downtown Phoenix.
To plan ahead for the big day, Valley Metro has laid out the ideal public transportation options for you with their comprehensive “Game Plan” transportation guide. And they’ve got three routes that will drop fans right in front of the stadium.
While you’re there, if you feel as if your ol’ faithful smart phone app is not giving you the proper directions, look for Downtown Phoenix, Inc.'s Downtown Phoenix Ambassadors decked out in bright orange shirts to assist you.
Have a great weekend, football fans everywhere! And locals should get ready for a front-row seat next year when the Bay Area hosts Super Bowl 50.
Valley Metro's www.valleymetrosb.com highlights their range of services and ways to stay connected.
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