Our Signal Shop team activating the signal at 41st Avenue and Lincoln Way.
Last November, San Francisco voters passed Proposition K. This approved the permanent closure of Upper Great Highway from Lincoln Way to Sloat Boulevard. This area will become a new park. Earlier in 2024, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved the closure of Great Highway Extension from Sloat to Skyline boulevards because of coastal erosion.
We are collaborating with our partners at San Francisco Recreation and Parks, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Caltrans and other agencies to manage these changes effectively and to ensure a successful transition. Our priorities are to keep the streets safe for everyone and keep traffic flowing.
Learn what we’re doing to:
- Manage the flow of traffic
- Help you get around by taking Muni, biking, walking and rolling
Keeping traffic flowing—safely and smoothly
Installing signals
Both Caltrans and the SFMTA Signal Shop have installed new traffic signals near the Great Highway. We’re adding signals to help to boost street safety and manage traffic flow as travel patterns change.
Our state partners at Caltrans activated a new signal at Great Highway Extension and Skyline Boulevard in January. On Feb. 19, our Signal Shop activated a new signal at 41st Avenue and Lincoln Way. Next week, we plan to activate a signal at Sloat Boulevard and Skyline Boulevard.
Repaving streets
We collaborated with Public Works to ensure Sunset Boulevard is fully repaved. We did this to help improve conditions for people driving on a key west side road.
Reducing speeds
We also added street safety improvements on the streets close to the Great Highway. We added speed humps and stop signs to neighborhood streets. We took these steps to help reduce instances of speeding and deter cut-through traffic.
Making it easier to take Muni, walk and bike

The L Taraval Improvement Project upgraded infrastructure along the L Taraval line from West Portal to the San Francisco Zoo.
We have been working to make it easy and convenient to walk, bike and take Muni on the west side of the city. We want to make sure west side residents and visitors have many excellent transportation choices to get around.
Improving your L Taraval trips
Last year we restored L Taraval service between the Embarcadero Station and the SF Zoo. This benefits the community for decades to come. We upgraded the L Taraval train tracks for the first time in almost 50 years for a smoother, quieter ride. New traffic signals now give priority to transit vehicles. This makes Muni trips more reliable. Trains are scheduled to arrive every 10 minutes on weekdays and every 12 minutes on weekends.
Connecting local bikeways
Last year we also built protected bike lanes on Lake Merced Boulevard. They connect to upcoming, new protected bike lanes on Sloat, the new park on Great Highway and JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park. People who bike and roll on the west side will be able to travel on a safe and slow network of bikeways.
These upgrades will help make the transition smoother for everyone who lives in or visits the area.
What’s next
When the Great Highway closes to vehicles, SFMTA and Public Works crews will be ready to make immediate adjustments to keep people moving safely and smoothly at key connecting intersections: Lincoln and Great Highway and Sloat and Great Highway. This includes:
- Adjusting travel lanes and traffic signal timing
- Improving bike and pedestrian crossings
Listening to the community
We understand that these changes may create challenges for people who drive in and around the Sunset and Richmond districts. We are watching traffic conditions, gathering data and collaborating with the community to handle issues as they come up.
If you have any questions or concerns about these upcoming changes, please contact 311 so your message can be directed to the correct agency and team.