Accessible version of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project timeline infographic

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Graphic showing construction schedule for the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project. 

  • Outreach began before 2023 and continues throughout the duration of construction. 
  • Quick-build transit and safety treatments by the SFMTA began in Fall 2023 and lasted for a few months. This included bus lanes, bus stop changes, pedestrian safety treatments, and roadway striping changes. 
  • Utility upgrades by the SFMTA are planned to begin in early 2025 and last until mid-2027. This includes water main replacement from 32nd Avenue to Stanyan; sewer main replacement from 31st to 24th and 14th to Stanyan; and fiber optic cable conduits from 25th to Stanyan.
  • Major transit and safety improvements by the SFMTA are planned to begin in late 2026 and last until late 2027. This includes bus bulbs, pedestrian bulbs, upgraded traffic signals, roadway repaving, and community enhancement (treatment TBD)