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Access Pass

通行證 SFMTA 的通行證是面向無家可歸人士的通行證。通行證可讓通行證持有人免費使用通行證上印有的有效期和年份。 如果您符合以下條件,則有資格獲得Muni Access Pass : 1 )當前在舊金山無家可歸 和 2 )在過去六個月中,已經聯繫了紐約市的一個接入點。接入點可幫助無家可歸的人。 如果您尚未聯繫紐約市的一個接入點,則現在仍可通過與其中一個 接入點合作來獲得訪問通行證的資格。...


日票証(Day Pass)

現可在 MuniMobile® 買日票証 ( Day Pass) 。只是五元,這是很好的價錢。在 MuniMobile 程式上找 " 日票証 ( 不適用於纜車 cable car)" ; 可無限次數乘搭 Muni 巴士, 火車和有 歷史性的街車。以一個很低的價錢, 你可以整天乘搭 Muni 。由早上返工到晚上 看壘球比賽都可以用這新的日票証,日票証 的有效時間是到晚上 11:59 。 可將...



通過多種支付方式,您可以輕鬆購買 Muni 巴士、火車或纜車票。 MuniMobile®:MuniMobile是三藩市交通局的購票應用程式,使用信用卡、金融卡或PayPal賬戶可即時購買車票。了解詳情。 Clipper® 卡:Clipper是灣區一卡通用的公交卡。使用Clipper卡可搭乘灣區所有主要大眾運輸工具,包括Muni在內。了解詳情。 手機上的Clipper®App...


Muni Forward 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

導言 (Project Introduction)

As part of Muni Forward, SFMTA has identified the 5 Fulton corridor as being a part of its proposed Rapid Network. In most cities, a Rapid Network is bus service with dedicated lanes and vehicles that allows transit to move swiftly on the street. With our Rapid Network, we intend to build transit priority lanes with efficient stop spacing to move buses quickly along their routes. We’ll also create better boarding zones to make it safer and faster for passengers to get on board, and make it easier to find our bus stops and shelters with improved signage.

The 5 Fulton route carries about 19,000 daily customers on an average weekday. The route’s study corridor is 5.6 miles long and includes Fulton Street between La Playa and Central Avenue, Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets, and McAllister Street between Central Avenue and Market Street. Within the study area, the 5 Fulton operates at an average speed of 9.7 miles per hour during peak periods.  In order to reduce transit travel times and improve reliability within its proposed Rapid Network, the SFMTA proposes a toolkit of measures within the study area.

5 Fulton Rapid Proposal Overview

5 Fulton Rapid Proposal

What's Included in the 5 Fulton Rapid Proposal?

To reduce travel times and enhance reliability on the routes that make up its proposed Rapid Network, Muni Forward has identified a variety of Travel Time Reduction Proposals (TTRPs), which are engineering strategies oriented to specifically address the delays vehicles face along rapid routes. As a part of the proposed Rapid Network, the 5 Fulton has its own toolkit of TTRPs, which specifically target the evaluated causes of delays within the 5 Fulton corridor. The proposal includes:

  • Increasing bus stop spacing from 1.5 blocks to two blocks east of Arguello Boulevard and from two blocks to three blocks in the Richmond District. Currently, the 5 Fulton stops about every 1.5 blocks between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard and about every two blocks in the Richmond District. This proposal moves toward a two-block spacing between Market Street and Arguello Boulevard where blocks are longer and toward a three-block spacing in the Richmond District where blocks are shorter. By stopping fewer times, the bus would take less time to move through the corridor.
  • Optimizing bus stop locations at 12 intersections. Relocating bus stops from the near-side to the far-side of intersections would allow buses to take advantage of planned transit signal priority improvements that could allow traffic signals to be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. Where the 5 Fulton turns at the STOP-controlled intersection of Central Avenue and McAllister Street, this proposal would relocate the bus stops to the near-side of the intersection, eliminating the need for buses to stop once for the STOP sign and again to pick-up and drop-off customers.
  • Adding transit bulbs at 16 intersections. Transit bulbs are sidewalk extensions alongside bus stops that allow buses to pick-up and drop-off customers and reduce delay by preventing the bus from having to pull out of the travel lane into a bus stop and then wait for a gap to merge back into traffic. Transit bulbs enhance the ability of buses to take advantage of all-door boarding and provide space for transit shelters and other customer amenities.
  • Replacing all-way STOP-controlled intersections with traffic signals or traffic calming measures at nine intersections. Currently, the 5 Fulton is delayed by having to stop at multiple intersections with STOP signs. Some STOP signs could be replaced with traffic signals that could be programmed to hold green lights for approaching buses. At some intersections along McAllister Street, traffic calming measures could replace STOP signs and eliminate the need for buses to come to a complete stop while maintaining pedestrian safety. Potential traffic calming measures include traffic circles or sidewalk extensions.
  • Adding right-turn pockets at 4 intersections. Right-turn pockets would reduce Muni delays associated with buses waiting behind right-turning motorists by providing a dedicated space for turning vehicles to queue.
  • Implementing a road diet on Fulton Street between Stanyan Street and Central Avenue. Within this six block segment of Fulton Street, the travel lanes are too narrow to allow large vehicles such as buses to travel alongside other vehicles moving in the same direction. By removing one travel lane in each direction and widening the remaining travel lanes, delays would potentially be reduced.
  • Adding peak-period parking restriction along east side of Central Avenue between Fulton and McAllister streets. Parking and loading along this block of Central Avenue delay Muni vehicles and make it difficult for buses traveling in opposite directions to pass each other. Restricting parking on the east side of Central Avenue during peak periods would provide more space for buses to maneuver and would reduce Muni delays.
  • Adding pedestrian bulbs or islands at 3 intersections. Two treatments are being considered to shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian safety. Pedestrian bulbs are sidewalk extensions at intersection corners that improve pedestrian safety by reducing the roadway crossing distance, making pedestrians waiting to cross the street more visible to approaching motorists, and reducing the speed of motorists turning from cross streets. Pedestrian islands provide a raised refuge area in the middle of the street for crossing pedestrians.
Together, the proposed changes are anticipated to reduce the travel time of the 5 Fulton by about six minutes in each direction (12 minutes total) within the study area (18 percent reduction), improving the average operating speed to 11.7 miles per hour and improving service reliability. Transit signal priority improvements are anticipated to save an additional 1.5 minutes in each direction. Other changes such as operational improvements and network enhancements would further improve travel times along the corridor and add valuable customer amenities such as NextBus displays. The travel time savings would also reduce operating costs on the line and allow for service to be cost effectively increased.

Fast Tracked Segment

Note that approval and implementation of the following segment of this Rapid Proposal is being fast-tracked:
  • Fulton Street between 46th and 25th Avenues
Specifically, this segment is proposed for fast-tracking for the purpose of coordinating with an already-scheduled repaving project, which is anticipated for initiation between the Spring and Fall of 2014.

Related Projects

  • Approved 5-Fulton Service Adjustments
    • On March 28, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved and legislated many of Muni Forward's proposed service and route changes, including service adjustments for the 5-Fulton. These adjustments include route restructuring, frequency improvements, and vehicle type changes, which will direct resources where they are needed most, reducing crowding and improving connections to regional transit.
  • 5-Fulton Rapid Service
    • View current Rapid Service for the 5-Fulton

Become a Muni Operator

Muni Operators Benefits
Application Window
Sign Up for Job Alerts
Important Information About Licensing
Frequently Asked Questions

Jump-start your career in transportation -- become a Muni Operator. Whether you're driving Muni's fleet of buses, trains, historic streetcars or world-famous cable cars, as a Muni Operator you're playing an important role in San Francisco. Interested in a job with excellent benefits, great compensation and a sense of civic pride? 

Muni Operators Benefits:

  • 9 Weeks of Paid Operator Training
  • Great Salary, Health Insurance, Retirement, Educational Benefits
  • Opportunities to Grow a Career
  • Pride in Serving the Public

Application Window for 9163 Transit Operator


The most recent recruitment for this position closed August 30, 2024.  Please refer to the section of this page to Sign Up for Job Alerts to get notified of our next recruitment.  See below for typical recruitment process information.
  • Read the full job announcement to learn about this position and the full requirements needed.  
    • Notable updates to the minimum qualifications (effective for August 2022 candidates and beyond):
      • Applicants may now have one moving violation within the past 12 months
      • Applicants may now have three moving violations within the past 36 months
      • Applicants are allowed one suspension, revocation or probation of license for a cause involving the unsafe operation of a motor vehicle within the past three years
        • However, convictions for leaving the scene of an accident involving bodily injury or death, reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs within the three year period is an automatic disqualification
  • Make sure to complete and submit your application by the deadline posted on the job ad.
  • After applying, keep checking your email. 
    • Projected soon after closing, the recruitment team will send a questionnaire for all applicants to complete. 
      • Make sure you look out for this email and complete the entire questionnaire by the deadline.
  • The questionnaire will include information about a free CityDrive program available to 9163 applicants. 
    • Although only a basic non-commercial license is needed to apply, in order to be hired one must obtain a Commercial Learner's Permit with passenger endorsement and the ability to drive vehicles with airbrakes
    • This free program helps guide candidates through the process of obtaining this permit and associated medical evaluation
    • The earlier you obtain this permit, the earlier you can be considered for a training class
  • The recruitment team will review questionnaires and those who have stated possession of the Minimum Qualifications will be placed on a list of candidates that can be considered for hire.

SFMTA will provide further outreach regarding steps for pre-employment at that time.

This position is currently closed for new applications.  Please sign up for job alerts to be made aware when re-opened for new applications.

April 2024 (T00110) Applicants

  • During November 2024, document review events will be happening exclusively for individuals who applied to this recruitment and made it onto the list
  • An email will be sent mid-October regarding event dates and documents to bring
  • If you applied in April 2024 and don't get an email by the end of the end of the third week of August, email for more info
    • While you wait, if you do not already have a Commercial Learner's Permit or Commercial Driver's License with passenger endorsement and no air-brake restrictions, it is advantageous for you to start the process of obtaining this.
    • See our section below on licensing requirements for more information on a free program to get you started on this.

August/September 2023 (T00088) and December 2023/January 2024 (T00100) Applicants

  • If you applied to T00088. the list you are on will expire in November 2024 and is not projected to be extended.  Thus if you wish to be considered now, provide any outstanding documents ASAP to  Otherwise, you will need to re-apply to be considered for future Transit Operator opportunities.  Use the below information on signing up for job alerts, if needed, to make sure you are alerted of the next posting of this position.
  • If you applied to T00100 and were provided a rank on the eligible list, please provide additional documents that have been requested to  If you are unsure of what documents are needed, inquire by including your full name and which list you were on.  This list will expire in March of 2025.

Sign Up for Job Alerts

Interested in the next posting or future postings?  

  • Option One:
    • You can go to the Create a Job Alert page in our new applicant tracking system.
      • You’ll be prompted to complete a simple form for each job alert you’d like to receive. You can enter the keyword of "9163" to ensure you sign up for Transit Operator notifications.  This is the job number used on job postings for this position.
        • Note that only one keyword / job code can be entered in this field. You must complete an additional form for each additional keyword for which you’d like to receive an alert.
        • If you wish to sign up for more jobs, you can submit multiple forms.  Enter a keyword such as "cleaner", "engineer" or "manager" or if you’d like to receive an alert for a specific job code, you may enter the job code number in the “Keyword” field.
        • These job alerts will be sent to you until you cancel them.
      • Check your email immediately after subscribing.  You will need to confirm that you requested for the subscription.
  • Option Two:
    • Click the "Sign up for updates" link near the top of this page.
    • You can sign up for email or text alerts using this option.


Qualities We're Looking For in a Muni Operator:

  • 21 and over
  • High School Graduate or GED-holder
  • One (1) year of public contact or customer service experience
  • Minimum of a non-commercial (CA Class C equivalent) license active for a continuous period of three years*
  • Good Driving Record*
  • No convictions within the past seven (7) years of any offense related to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics, habit forming drugs, or dangerous drugs 
  • No convictions of any sex offense as defined in Section 44010 of the Education Code
  • Ability to Obtain School Pupil Activity Bus (SPAB) Certificate* 

*See the full requirements on the announcement when posted.

Important Information about Licensing

  • In order to qualify to participate in the exam process, one needs to only possess the minimum qualifications that will be posted on the exam announcement.  At this stage, the licensure requirement is only a non-commercial (CA Class C equivalent) license.
  • However, in order to be eligible for hire to one of our training classes a person will need a commercial learner’s permit with passenger endorsement and airbrake endorsements (or a commercial license with these endorsements)

More detailed information about the learner's permit is available by reviewing the Become a Muni Operator: Driver’s Record and Commercial Learner's Permit Guide.

  • If you do not have such a learner’s permit at this time, not a problem at all.  Those who apply will be provided access to a FREE program sponsored in collaboration with the SFMTA and Office of Economic and Workforce Development to help guide candidates through the process of obtaining the necessary permit.  We highly recommend that candidates take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible in the application process as the earlier this is completed, the earlier we can get you into one of our training classes.

More information about this free training program is available on the CityDrive Training Program site.

  • For those who have a commercial learner’s permit already or a commercial license:
    • Make sure you have passenger and airbrake endorsements.  If you do not, you will need to obtain this before you can start in one of our classes.
    • Make sure your DOT medical is up to date.  If it will expire within the next few months we highly recommend you take steps to renew the medical.  The training requires a full-time commitment of 9 weeks and does not have flexibility for missed days.  Therefore, having your medical renewed ensures you don’t have to get pushed back a class due to your medical being scheduled to expire mid-way through the class.

The Hiring Process Includes:

  • Civil Service Examination
  • Fingerprint and Background Check
  • Medical Exam to obtain a medical certificate
  • Drug Screening
  • Submit DMV Proof of Clean Driving Record
  • Submit Commercial Learner's Permit or Commercial License with passenger and airbrake endorsement
  • Complete a 9-week full-time training
  • Pass a driving test to officially become an Operator!

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also go to the City's Job FAQ page which provides answers to many frequently asked questions on topics such as:

  • Eligibility
  • Veteran's Preference
  • Disabled / Special Needs
  • Drug Tests
  • Conviction History
  • and more...
Blog post

This Weekend: Trolley Dances, Potrero Hill Festival and Wharf Fest

6 years 2 months ago

San Francisco Trolley Dances
Photo courtesy of Epiphany Dance photographer Andy Mogg.

San Francisco Trolley Dances

Saturday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
4th & Channel Streets at Mission Creek Park

San Francisco Trolley Dances, now in its 15th anniversary season, is a two-day, free (with Muni fare) public performance curated by the Epiphany Dance Theater. Artists and dance ensembles are paired with specific sites along San Francisco’s Muni route, where they are invited to create an 8- to 15-minute dance piece in response to the physical environment, architecture and history of the area. This year’s route takes you from Mission Bay to SoMa. This admission-free festival has been dubbed “Art for citizens” and “A gift to the City” by past attendees, and a record of 5,000 people have joined us for a weekend of art and community. Line up for wristbands begins at 10 am. Show up early as they often have given out all of the wristbands hours in advance. Wristbands are given out on a first come, first serve basis.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take N Judah or the KT Ingleside.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near Mission Bay.

Potrero Hill Festival

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Potrero Hill

The Potrero Hill neighborhood will be hosting its 28th annual eponymous festival this Saturday on 20th Street between Missouri and Wisconsin streets. The Potrero Hill Festival celebrates the community with live music, food, drink and wares from local vendors, local historians, games and much more. There is something for the whole family to enjoy this weekend, so don't miss the opportunity to check out this iconic part of San Francisco.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the 10 Townsend, 19 Polk or 22 Fillmore to near the event.

Muni Service Notes: The 10 will have a reroute for this event. The 19 and 22 may see minor delays or increased ridership in the area of the event.

Wharf Fest

Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fisherman's Wharf

Returning to Fisherman's Wharf for the sixth consecutive year, Wharf Fest showcases the historic wharf after the crowds of visitors have dissipated with a street fair atmosphere featuring over 50 booths of vendors, free activities, food and drink. The highlight of the event is surely the Clam Chowder Competition and Tastings, as Fisherman's Wharf restaurants battle it out to see whose clam chowder reigns supreme. Wharf Fest is a free event open to the public, however, tickets are required for the Clam Chowder Competition.

How to Get There on Muni: Riders may take the E Embarcadero or F Market and Wharves streetcar lines, as well as the 8 Bayshore, 19 Polk, 28 19th Avenue, 30 Stockton, 39 Coit, 47 Van Ness or the 49 Van Ness/Mission routes to near the event.

Muni Service Notes: There are no planned service changes for this event, however, routes in the area may see minor delays or increased ridership near the Wharf.

Remember that you can Muni the entire day for a single $5 fare. The new $5 Day Pass, available on MuniMobile®, is part of Muni’s recent fare changes. The pass is intended to encourage a safe, convenient way to pay your fare and quickly board Muni vehicles, which reduces overall travel time for everyone. The $5 Day Pass is Muni bus, rail and historic streetcars only. 

“On Tap” gives you a heads up about the big events in town and what Muni routes and lines will get you to the party. Look for this feature to be posted usually on Thursdays for a look ahead to the weekend. Check out our Weekend Traffic & Transit Advisory for more details.



對一般乘客來說,月票是每月無限次使用Muni服務的最便利方式,電纜車票也包含在內。月票目前只在 Clipper®上提供。 Lifeline(低收入)月票有特殊申請規定, 詳情請參閱Lifeline說明。 CLIPPER是什麼? Clipper卡是一種易用、通用、可充值的卡片,讓您安全便利地繳納灣區公交車費和轉乘。Clipper卡在本市和灣區各地皆可使用,您可搭乘所有Muni車輛、BART、AC...