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你可以看 看告票資料, 查看上訴的情況, 和在網上付款。 若你收到泊車告票或乘客違規告票, 你必需在限期前 支 付 告票或 上訴 , 不然你要支付過 期費用和追討費。若車輛有五張或以上的泊車告票, 車輛可能會 被 上鎖和/或拖走 。 若你想 上 訴 便 不要交罰款。 付款的方法 網上: 會同日顯示已付款和有電子收條 在線支付 電話 : 請電 415.701.3099 或 800.531.7357...


Muni Forward Passport participating businesses

在公共交通月期間,到這些參與商戶,在您的 Muni Forward 護照上蓋章! 以下是您可以在 2024 年 9 月公共交通月期間領取限量版 Muni Forward 護照的商戶名單。在您的護照上蓋章並贏得豐富的獎品! 在社交媒體上上傳自拍照,分享您的進度!# MuniForwardPassport 參加活動即可贏得 Muni Forward 導覽服務和 Muni Forward 10...

Project update



此提案是否會移除West Portal Ave的所有車流量?不會。提案限制West Portal Avenue和Ulloa Street的某些車流量,同時繼續提供每個街區的通道。提案將把West Portal Avenue從每個方向的兩條私家車車道改為Ulloa和Vicente街道之間的每個方向的一條車道。 提案對停車有何影響?專案提案將保留此區域的絕大多數停車位。West Portal...


付款計劃 - Payment Plan

SFMTA’s 付款計劃為客戶提供了在每月付款計 劃中註冊停車場引用和過境違規的選項。註冊的客戶必鬚根據登記的總金額進行最低每月付款。如果未能按月支付最低款項並且未能在完成日期之前完成計劃,則將導致計劃取消並對過期的引用進行處罰。 付款方案不適用於當前啟動或拖曳車輛的引用。沒有引用重新註冊,合同延期, 或修訂將被授予。 研究與您的車輛相關的引文. 在線查找引用和車輛信息. 如何註冊 在線...

Project update

Ocean Ave 夾 Victoria St 施工於9月16日星期一開始


9月16日(星期一)開始,工務局施工隊將開始在 Ocean Ave夾Victoria St. 的輕軌K線(K Ingleside)出站停靠站(朝Balboa Park方向)升級的快速建設上車島上進行施工。 我們預計這項施工將持續約一週,而且我們預計每天上午7點至下午6點進行施工。 這項施工是我們延長和擴大輕軌K線(K Ingleside)四個停靠站上車島的工程的一部分...

Project update

M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View) 在San Jose Ave & Mt. Vernon Ave 的停靠站拆除將於9月28日(星期六)開始


從9月28日星期六開始,M線洋景輕軌 (M Ocean View)將不再停靠在 San Jose Ave和Mt. Vernon Ave 入站停靠站 (朝Embarcadero方向)及 出站停靠站(朝Balboa Park方向)。 在 三藩市交通局 (SFMTA) 董事會於2024年2月核准M線洋景輕軌公共交通與安全性專案 (M Ocean View Transit and Safety...

Project update

Ocean Avenue夾Westgate Drive/Cerritos Avenue的停靠站拆除將於9月28日(星期六)開始


從9月28日(星期六)開始,輕軌K線(K Ingleside)將不再停靠 Ocean Ave 夾 Westgate Dr(入站至Embarcadero )和 Ocean Ave夾 Cerritos Ave(出站至Balboa Park )的兩個停靠站。 在 三藩市交通局 (SFMTA) 董事會於2024年3月核准輕軌K線快線專案 (K Ingleside Rapid Project) 之後,...



為舊金山帶來更安全的速度 在舊金山,超速是導致交通死亡和重傷的主要原因——而降低速度是我們可以用來挽救生命的最有效的工具。 減慢車速是“零願景”的核心原則,該願景是在全市範圍內消除交通死亡的承諾。舊金山正在製定和實施一項全面的速度管理戰略,該戰略將降低整個城市主要走廊的速度限制,同時開展教育活動和外展活動、改進執法戰略和穩定交通。根據 2021 年通過的第 43 號議會法案(弗里德曼)...


Twin Peaks Tunnel Improvements

導言 (Project Introduction)

Regular Service Resumed Saturday, August 25 Printable Rider Guide Update: The two month closure to the Twin Peaks Tunnel ended on time...


Better Market Street

導言 (Project Introduction)

Better Market Street is an ongoing, collaborative effort to redesign San Francisco’s most important street. Market Street can become a place where people can gather, spend time and enjoy the sights of the city, as well as a convenient way to access transit, connect by bicycle and walk to diverse destinations along the corridor.


Become a Muni Operator

Muni Operators Benefits
Application Window
Sign Up for Job Alerts
Important Information About Licensing
Frequently Asked Questions

Jump-start your career in transportation -- become a Muni Operator. Whether you're driving Muni's fleet of buses, trains, historic streetcars or world-famous cable cars, as a Muni Operator you're playing an important role in San Francisco. Interested in a job with excellent benefits, great compensation and a sense of civic pride? 

Muni Operators Benefits:

  • 9 Weeks of Paid Operator Training
  • Great Salary, Health Insurance, Retirement, Educational Benefits
  • Opportunities to Grow a Career
  • Pride in Serving the Public

Application Window for 9163 Transit Operator


The most recent recruitment for this position closed August 30, 2024.  Please refer to the section of this page to Sign Up for Job Alerts to get notified of our next recruitment.  See below for typical recruitment process information.
  • Read the full job announcement to learn about this position and the full requirements needed.  
    • Notable updates to the minimum qualifications (effective for August 2022 candidates and beyond):
      • Applicants may now have one moving violation within the past 12 months
      • Applicants may now have three moving violations within the past 36 months
      • Applicants are allowed one suspension, revocation or probation of license for a cause involving the unsafe operation of a motor vehicle within the past three years
        • However, convictions for leaving the scene of an accident involving bodily injury or death, reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs within the three year period is an automatic disqualification
  • Make sure to complete and submit your application by the deadline posted on the job ad.
  • After applying, keep checking your email. 
    • Projected soon after closing, the recruitment team will send a questionnaire for all applicants to complete. 
      • Make sure you look out for this email and complete the entire questionnaire by the deadline.
  • The questionnaire will include information about a free CityDrive program available to 9163 applicants. 
    • Although only a basic non-commercial license is needed to apply, in order to be hired one must obtain a Commercial Learner's Permit with passenger endorsement and the ability to drive vehicles with airbrakes
    • This free program helps guide candidates through the process of obtaining this permit and associated medical evaluation
    • The earlier you obtain this permit, the earlier you can be considered for a training class
  • The recruitment team will review questionnaires and those who have stated possession of the Minimum Qualifications will be placed on a list of candidates that can be considered for hire.

SFMTA will provide further outreach regarding steps for pre-employment at that time.

This position is currently closed for new applications.  Please sign up for job alerts to be made aware when re-opened for new applications.

April 2024 (T00110) Applicants

  • During November 2024, document review events will be happening exclusively for individuals who applied to this recruitment and made it onto the list
  • An email will be sent mid-October regarding event dates and documents to bring
  • If you applied in April 2024 and don't get an email by the end of the end of the third week of August, email for more info
    • While you wait, if you do not already have a Commercial Learner's Permit or Commercial Driver's License with passenger endorsement and no air-brake restrictions, it is advantageous for you to start the process of obtaining this.
    • See our section below on licensing requirements for more information on a free program to get you started on this.

August/September 2023 (T00088) and December 2023/January 2024 (T00100) Applicants

  • If you applied to T00088. the list you are on will expire in November 2024 and is not projected to be extended.  Thus if you wish to be considered now, provide any outstanding documents ASAP to  Otherwise, you will need to re-apply to be considered for future Transit Operator opportunities.  Use the below information on signing up for job alerts, if needed, to make sure you are alerted of the next posting of this position.
  • If you applied to T00100 and were provided a rank on the eligible list, please provide additional documents that have been requested to  If you are unsure of what documents are needed, inquire by including your full name and which list you were on.  This list will expire in March of 2025.

Sign Up for Job Alerts

Interested in the next posting or future postings?  

  • Option One:
    • You can go to the Create a Job Alert page in our new applicant tracking system.
      • You’ll be prompted to complete a simple form for each job alert you’d like to receive. You can enter the keyword of "9163" to ensure you sign up for Transit Operator notifications.  This is the job number used on job postings for this position.
        • Note that only one keyword / job code can be entered in this field. You must complete an additional form for each additional keyword for which you’d like to receive an alert.
        • If you wish to sign up for more jobs, you can submit multiple forms.  Enter a keyword such as "cleaner", "engineer" or "manager" or if you’d like to receive an alert for a specific job code, you may enter the job code number in the “Keyword” field.
        • These job alerts will be sent to you until you cancel them.
      • Check your email immediately after subscribing.  You will need to confirm that you requested for the subscription.
  • Option Two:
    • Click the "Sign up for updates" link near the top of this page.
    • You can sign up for email or text alerts using this option.


Qualities We're Looking For in a Muni Operator:

  • 21 and over
  • High School Graduate or GED-holder
  • One (1) year of public contact or customer service experience
  • Minimum of a non-commercial (CA Class C equivalent) license active for a continuous period of three years*
  • Good Driving Record*
  • No convictions within the past seven (7) years of any offense related to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics, habit forming drugs, or dangerous drugs 
  • No convictions of any sex offense as defined in Section 44010 of the Education Code
  • Ability to Obtain School Pupil Activity Bus (SPAB) Certificate* 

*See the full requirements on the announcement when posted.

Important Information about Licensing

  • In order to qualify to participate in the exam process, one needs to only possess the minimum qualifications that will be posted on the exam announcement.  At this stage, the licensure requirement is only a non-commercial (CA Class C equivalent) license.
  • However, in order to be eligible for hire to one of our training classes a person will need a commercial learner’s permit with passenger endorsement and airbrake endorsements (or a commercial license with these endorsements)

More detailed information about the learner's permit is available by reviewing the Become a Muni Operator: Driver’s Record and Commercial Learner's Permit Guide.

  • If you do not have such a learner’s permit at this time, not a problem at all.  Those who apply will be provided access to a FREE program sponsored in collaboration with the SFMTA and Office of Economic and Workforce Development to help guide candidates through the process of obtaining the necessary permit.  We highly recommend that candidates take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible in the application process as the earlier this is completed, the earlier we can get you into one of our training classes.

More information about this free training program is available on the CityDrive Training Program site.

  • For those who have a commercial learner’s permit already or a commercial license:
    • Make sure you have passenger and airbrake endorsements.  If you do not, you will need to obtain this before you can start in one of our classes.
    • Make sure your DOT medical is up to date.  If it will expire within the next few months we highly recommend you take steps to renew the medical.  The training requires a full-time commitment of 9 weeks and does not have flexibility for missed days.  Therefore, having your medical renewed ensures you don’t have to get pushed back a class due to your medical being scheduled to expire mid-way through the class.

The Hiring Process Includes:

  • Civil Service Examination
  • Fingerprint and Background Check
  • Medical Exam to obtain a medical certificate
  • Drug Screening
  • Submit DMV Proof of Clean Driving Record
  • Submit Commercial Learner's Permit or Commercial License with passenger and airbrake endorsement
  • Complete a 9-week full-time training
  • Pass a driving test to officially become an Operator!

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also go to the City's Job FAQ page which provides answers to many frequently asked questions on topics such as:

  • Eligibility
  • Veteran's Preference
  • Disabled / Special Needs
  • Drug Tests
  • Conviction History
  • and more...


對停車或交通違規罰單的抗辯必須在罰單開出之日或首次處罰通知之日後 21 天內作出。在此期限後作出的抗辯將不獲考慮。如欲對罰單作出抗辯,請勿繳付罰金。 如何抗辯 在線提交抗議 。 您將可上載照片、收據或任何其他有利於您的抗辯的證據。 您還可以在線查看抗議的狀態。 您也可以通過郵寄方式提出抗辯。 填寫 抗辯表格 並郵寄至: SFMTA Customer Service Center ATTN...



導言 (Project Introduction)

三藩騎行與滑行計劃 是一項為期兩年的規劃程序,用來為三藩市的積極移動性制定一個新計劃。該新計劃指導三藩市交通局未來10至15年在積極交通網絡、支援設施、各項計劃和政策上的投資。這項新的規劃工作包含所有可合法使用積極交通網絡的裝置,以及加大公平優先社區的聲量與需求。 這項計劃對三藩市而言正逢其,因為自從上一個2009年自行車總方案通過以來已有許多改變。零死亡道路安全計劃(Vision Zero...



纜車車票 車費可於上車後付給纜車車掌。請備妥小額紙鈔。纜車不提供免費轉乘服務。如果您從一台纜車下車,必須支付全額車費才能搭乘另一台纜車。若是全日乘坐,可以考慮購買 遊客通行證。 單次乘坐 MuniMobile:成人和青少年 Clipper卡/App:成人和青少年 現金 年長者 /殘障人士/Medicare持有人:晚上9點至早上7點 如果一次購買五張或以上紙質電纜卡門票, 您現在可以在線購買。...


舊金山交通局預算規劃 - 2025 & 2026 財政年度

導言 (Project Introduction)

預算平衡示範練習 舊金山市憲章要求舊金山交通局 SFMTA 在雙數年提交兩年預算,概述該機構將如何分配未來兩年的營運和資本項目資源。 交通對於舊金山的宜居性、活力和經濟復甦以及我們的公平和環境目標至關重要。 在我們規劃 24-25 和 25-26 財年的兩年預算時,我們的重點是如何能最好地利用我們有限的資源,為舊金山人提供他們需要和應得的交通服務。 我們面臨的挑戰是,受新冠疫情的影響...


Twin Peaks 隧道更新項目

導言 (Project Introduction)

Twin Peaks 隧道已有超過100年的歷史,為了適應時代和Muni系統的需求,需要一些維修工作。 我們最近完成了一次全面隧道的結構檢查。 檢查結果顯示隧道對於乘客和工作人員來說是安全的,但隧道內的兩個區域將在今年夏天需要進行一些維修工作。 今年夏天的維修工作需要封閉隧道三次。 6 月 22 – 23 日 (週末) 7 月 20 – 21 日 (週末) 8 月 22 – 29 日 (8...

Parking garage

Pierce Street Garage

3252 Pierce Street San Francisco, CA 94123

Pay by license plate Always Open

Project update

Geary 大道改善計畫社區增強

Thanks to the almost 1,600 respondents who gave us feedback on design details for the new trees and decorative sidewalks that will be a part of the Geary Boulevard Improvement Project.  We have completed analyzing all feedback and have used it to decide on tree species and sidewalk design themes. Read more in the Community Enhancement Outreach Round 2 survey results report.

The Geary Boulevard Improvement Project will include a community enhancement element to beautify the corridor. The community enhancement has been determined based on community feedback and will include about fifty new street trees and decorative glass aggregate sidewalk designs at some Rapid bus stops.

Map of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project area

Map of Geary Boulevard Improvement Project limits and area where community enhancement treatments will be installed

Decorative Sidewalk Designs

Decorative concrete with glass aggregate sidewalk designs will be installed at six Rapid bus stops (Park Presidio inbound and outbound, 20th Avenue inbound and outbound, and 25th Avenue inbound and outbound). Designs will feature the nature of the Richmond District. Outbound bus stops will have ocean-themed decorative sidewalks, while inbound bus stops will have greenery/park-themed sidewalks. The SFMTA will seek to partner with local students to develop the sidewalk designs (potentially via partnership with a George Washington High School art class). Community feedback provided on preferred design themes will be considered for each location, including native flora and fauna.

The glass aggregate material will meet all appliable specifications for slip resistance, maintenance and safety.  It will be sealed and able to withstand impacts, and if any aggregate does come loose eventually, the edges will not be sharp and a maintenance crew can easily sweep it up before repairs.

Blue area shows where glass aggregate design will be placed along curb.

Decorative sidewalk designs will be located within the bus stop boarding zone.

Street Trees

About 50 trees will be planted both in the median and on the sidewalk, using the following tree species:

  • Median trees: Coast Live Oak (Querces agrifolia) and Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa).
  • Sidewalk trees: California Buckeye (Aesculus californica), California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia californica) and Primrose Tree (Lagunaria patersonia).

Tree options based on locations.

Top row (for median planting): Coast Live Oak (Querces agrifolia) and Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa).

Bottom row (for sidewalk planting): California Buckeye (Aesculus californica), California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia californica) and Primrose Tree (Lagunaria patersonia).

We will be selecting the individual locations for trees in the coming months. All locations must meet accessibility and utility clearance requirements. We also will try to minimize any visual impedance of storefront signage. Outreach will be done to adjacent properties prior to finalizing sidewalk locations.


The project’s community enhancement has been guided by two rounds of outreach:

  • In April 2024, Richmond District residents and businesses were asked to share their thoughts about potential enhancements along Geary Boulevard between Stanyan Street and 34th Avenue. New street trees and decorative sidewalk designs were chosen based on the results of that survey.  Read the Round 1 Outreach Summary Report.
  • In September 2024, residents and businesses weighed in on which tree species and decorative sidewalk design themes they liked the best. Read the Round 2 Outreach Summary Report.

Next steps

These selected enhancements will be constructed along with other transit and safety improvements in late 2026 and 2027, following SFPUC’s underground utility work.

Have questions? Contact us at:




導言 (Project Introduction)

Muni服務公平策略是該機構致力於讓所有乘客都能利用和負擔得起公共運輸的重要承諾的組成部分。 透過實施可快速實施的服務處理措施,同時實現重要的安全改善措施,連結主要目標、可靠性、頻率和擁擠程度,公平策略將使8個選定的公平鄰舍,長者和殘疾人士受益。此外,該策略將為服務每個公平鄰舍的Muni路線建立一個績效基準,並會每年進行監測。


Community Service Program

SFMTA的社區服務計劃為客戶提供在舊金山執行社區服務的選擇,以取代停車票和過境引證付款。客戶最多可以註冊兩種付款方案,每個日曆年罰款和罰款最高為1,000美元。每完成一小時的社區服務,客戶就可以獲得20美元的獎勵。 社區服務計劃不適用於目前引導或拖曳車輛的引用。沒有引用重新註冊,合同延期, 或修訂將被授予。 在線查找引用和車輛信息. 如何註冊 在線-完成在線申請;要么 親自...


Access on Muni Metro

Metro Access

The Muni Metro light rail system features six lines: the J Church, K Ingleside, L Taraval, M Ocean View, N Judah and the T Third. These lines serve downtown and neighborhoods in the western and southeastern parts of San Francisco. Below is more detailed information on the accessible features in our Metro system, how to board in the subway, how to board on the surface, and some additional tips for using the Metro.

Step-by-step instructions

Accessible Features

Interior of Muni coach showing blue colored priority seats near the front of the bus, seats are in a row at the left side of the image and have decals on them indicating their use.

Priority Seating

Priority seating for seniors and customers with disabilities is located immediately behind the train Operator’s compartment at both ends of the car. The priority seating includes the first rows of aisle-facing seats, which flip up to accommodate a wheelchair, and the first rows of forward-facing seats.

Please Note:

On crowded trains, the priority seats may already be occupied by seniors and people with disabilities or by other customers. Upon request, operators can ask passengers to give up their seats, but cannot force them to do so.

Vehicle Number Plate

Vehicle Identification Number Plate

All vehicles have a vehicle identification number plate at each end that includes four digits plus the letter A or B to denote the end of the vehicle. The signs are located approximately 60" from the floor on the flat panel behind the Operator’s compartment and include raised characters and braille. Customers must provide the vehicle number in order to report problems with equipment or service.

Push Button Intercoms

Vehicles are equipped with push button-activated intercoms, to be used in case of emergency, which allow customers to communicate with the train Operator. The intercoms are located next to the door behind the Operator’s compartment at each end of the car.

interior view of LRV entry door with stairs in up position 

Image result for Muni metro stairs

Stairs Can Be Raised or Lowered

The stairwells on all of our LRVs can be raised or lowered. For street level stops on the surface, these steps are kept in the lowered position. For stops at high level platforms the stairs are raised. A bell sounds when the steps are lowering to warn passengers to move away from the doors. At high level platforms, step extensions, which deploy automatically when the doors are opened, are used to reduce the gap between the LRV floor and the station platform.

Passenger in a Wheelchair Accessible Area | March 11, 2013

Dedicated Area for Mobility Devices

Each LRV is equipped with four flip-up seating areas near the front and rear of the train car.  These seats can be flipped up to accommodate most mobility devices.  If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.646.2260).


Muni may be able to accommodate a Segway, when used as a mobility device. You will need a Permit. For more information on Segway accommodations, please call or contact Matthew West (415) 646-2753, or



Customer and his leashed dog riding Muni

Service Animals

Service Animals are allowed on the Muni Metro. Service animals must be leashed and under the control of their owner at all times.

More Information:

In the Subway

Blind Passenger waits to board an LRV at the Underground Muni Metro Castro Station


The Muni Metro stations from West Portal to The Embarcadero are underground. The downtown subway stations (between Civic Center and The Embarcadero) are shared by Muni and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART). These stations are multi-level, with a concourse level, a Muni boarding platform at mid-level and a BART platform at the lowest level. Downtown stations are identified by distinctive print signs and braille signs.

Passenger using an elevator at a Muni Metro Station


All underground stations are accessible by elevator. The street level elevators at each station are located on the north side of Market Street near a station entrance and are marked by a sign. The street elevator will take you to the concourse level, where signs are posted to direct you to the platform elevator. At the concourse level of the shared downtown stations, Muni and BART have separate and distinct station agent booths and faregate arrays. A shared elevator provides access from the concourse to both the Muni and BART platform levels. For information on elevator status, please call the San Francisco Customer Service Center at 311 (415.701.2311 outside of San Francisco). You may also contact BART’s elevator information line at 510.834.LIFT (510.834.5438) or 888.235.3828. Elevator alerts can be texted to your phone by signing up for "Watch Route Alerts" and choosing to receive alerts for either the J, K, L, M, N or T Lines (text message rates apply).

More Information:

 view of Clipper Card payment machine on LRV

 Image result for Muni metro fare

Paying Your Fare

You must pay your fare prior to boarding the elevator to the platform. Passengers are encouraged to pay with a Clipper Card by tagging the card at the Clipper reader near the elevator to the platform. Passengers who are eligible to pay a discounted fare but do not have a Clipper Card or transfer must purchase a ticket from a ticket vending machine near the station agent booth. The ticket must be tagged at the Clipper reader on the concourse level near the elevator in order to serve as valid proof of payment.

More Information:

Overhead Digital Signs

On the Station Platform

Once on the Muni platform of a shared station, signs will direct you to the inbound or outbound side. Look for the red “boarding area” signs on the trackside walls (opposite the platform waiting area) that indicate where to wait for a train.  On the platform, overhead digital signs display the line name and destination of the train that is boarding as well as the next train pulling into the station. A recorded voice also announces the predicted arrival time of the next three trains in the subway. Metro maps are installed on the trackside walls and tactile maps of the entire Muni system are located on the subway platforms at the inbound and outbound boarding areas.

On the Street

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, using the accessible areas on Muni | September 25, 2012

Access for Mobility Devices

Accessible stops for wheelchairs and other mobility devices are located at regular intervals and at major destinations such as schools and hospitals. Accessible surface stops are generally low-level island stops with a ramp up to a small high-level platform for those who need level boarding.

On the T Line all surface stops are wheelchair accessible, with high platforms that provide level boarding at all doors. There are ramps at one or both ends of these platforms. On the M Line, the platforms at Stonestown and San Francisco State are also high-level platforms. 

More Information:

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, waits for a train on a Muni platform | September 25, 2012

Boarding from an Accessible Island Stop

To board from an accessible island stop, wait for your train on the high platform. When the train arrives, the Operator will raise the interior stairs and position the vehicle so that you can board at the first door. Let the Operator know your destination stop as soon as you board and whether you need help with the jump seats at a stationing area. Wheelchair users should then proceed to the wheelchair stationing area, which is created by flipping up one of the first sets of aisle-facing seats next to the door.


When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.

Boarding at San Jose and Geneva Ave.

On the M Line, the accessible stop at San Jose and Geneva avenues has a mechanical wayside lift that elevates customers to the level of the train floor for boarding and exiting. The lift is separated from the boarding island by a gate, and remains in the lowered position when not in use. To use the lift, go through the gate and wait for a train on the lift platform. Locate the control button (on your left when facing the train). When the LRV arrives, push and hold the “up” button to raise the lift. Press the button continuously or the lift will stop. If you are unable to press and hold the button, the train Operator can raise and lower the lift from inside the train. Note that the lift will not operate until the train stops next to the platform.


When traveling from downtown to a street level destination on the J, K, L, M or N lines you MUST board the first door of the first car of the train. Be sure to let the Operator know your destination in advance so that they can properly position the train at the accessible platform.


Our lifts can lift up to 600 pounds. The securement area is limited by dimension.  If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact SFMTA Accessible Services (415.646.2260).

Additional Tips for Using the Metro

view of platform with people and trains at Embarcadero Station

Underground Stations

All underground station entrances are easily identified by sidewalk signage.  They also have Braille station name signs, often on the right-hand side of the stairwell.  All subway stations are accessible by elevator, escalator or stairs and comprise of two levels, a concourse and a platform level.  An accessible fare gate is available for use and is located immediately adjacent to the station agent booth.

Yellow tactile tile is provided on the platform level to indicate the edge of the boarding platform; please stand behind the tactile tile at all times while on the boarding platform. 

Stations are either center platform (tracks on either side) or side platform (two platforms with tracks in between).

Center Platform Locations

  • Embarcadero
  • Montgomery
  • Powell
  • Civic Center
  • Van Ness

Side Platform Locations

  • Church
  • Castro
  • Forest Hill
  • West Portal

Automated Announcements

In the underground stations (Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, Civic Center, Van Ness, Church, Castro, Forest Hill and West Portal), a digital voice announcement system announces the route designation and arrival time of approaching and arriving trains. Announcements of upcoming stations are made inside the train.

passenger using a tactile map

Tactile Maps

Maps of the Metro system with Braille and raised characters are installed on the concourse and platforms levels of underground stations.  Braille and Tactile Maps of certain Muni Metro lines are also available from the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind; more information on this program can be found here.

view of Van Ness Station escalator and platform with people and train

Stair and Escalator Locations

Stairs and/or an escalator are located at each end of every downtown station. Inbound trains stop near the middle of the platform and outbound trains stop at the far end of the outbound platform.

Muni passenger, Bruce Oka, using the accessible areas on Muni | September 25, 2012

Boarding and Exiting a Train

Metro cars are equipped with a chime that sounds in each doorway to help guide people with visual disabilities to the door opening. 


All light rail vehicles taper or narrow at each end, creating a larger vehicle-to-platform gap. When looking for a doorway, be sure to locate the floor of the train before stepping off the platform. Do not mistake the gap between the end of a car and the platform for the gap between the platform and the train doorway.


Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee shall be the central City-sponsored community advisory board charged with providing input to the MTA,  the Department of Public Works, and the Police Department ("Other City Departments") and decision-makers regarding allocation of monies in the Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund (the "Fund"), established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364, for Required Uses, as defined in that section. The Advisory Committee shall be advisory, as appropriate, to the MTA and the Board of Supervisors.  The Advisory Committee shall perform the following functions as needed:

a.). Collaborate with the MTA, Other City Departments, and the Ballpark/Mission Transportation Coordinating Committee on prioritizing the community improvement measures for Required Uses and identifying implementation details as part of the annual budget process;

b.) Recommend to the MTA uses of the Designated Overlapping event Reserve, as defined in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364;

c.) Collaborate with the MTA and Other City Departments and decision-makers, including the Ballpark/Mission Bay Transportation Coordinating Committee, in the monitoring of the uses of the Fund for the purpose specified in Administrative Code Section 10.100-364; and

d.) Review  travel time data collected by the MTA for routes to he Event Center to determine if traffic conditions associated with the Event Center, especially when there are weekday evening overlapping events with large attendance at the Event Center and AT&T Park, should entail additional City actions and expenditures from the Fund or the Designated Overlapping Event Reserve, and make recommendations to the MTA on additional actions and expenditures.

    Project update


    在 2022 年 12 月,三藩市交通局發表計劃草本,包括 45 項工程- $25 百萬元的交通改善計劃-跨越 Visitacion Valley, Portola, Little Hollywood 和 Sunnydale ,以應社區要求的要求,並加上改善行動、接進和居民生活質素的政策建議。我們然後請社區告訴我們應先建造哪些工程。 現在,訪谷和波多拉社區交通計劃的定稿,包括社區的施工優先。...



    Chinese Title VI discrimination complaints 根據1964年民權法案第六章﹐三藩市交通局(SFMTA)確保為乘客提供客運服務, 不論他們的種族﹑膚色和原國籍。 如果您認為自己受排斥﹑被剝奪享受服務的權利或受到歧視﹐您可向SFMTA的監督機構提出書面投訴。聯邦法律規定﹐必須要在指控發生事件當日起計算的一百八十(180)天內提交投訴。在該機構收到投訴的當天起...