Budget for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020: Balancing Transportation Needs of a Growing City

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導言 (Project Introduction)

三藩市交通局(San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency)於1999年得到選民的見議,該機構會負責管理城市的地面交通系統,這包括Muni,泊車和 路面交通,自行車,步行和出租車的交通。每天 有超過100萬人是靠著我們來確保整個城市的安全和可靠的交通流動性。

我們所做的事情, 都是以市民做核心,我們在制定2019年和2020年營運和資本預算時, 我們希望能得到您的意見。我們為確保在一系列公眾會議上能聽到您的聲音, 你的參與將會是至關重要的。這是一個很好的機會,給你們去瞭解我們所做的事情, 及對於我們的各種計劃和項目提供反饋。我們很重視公眾的參與,因為這些會議能確保市民在制定預算案的過程中, 可以有機會聼取他們的意見。


我們可提供免費的語言翻譯和美國手語服務, 但最少要在48小時前提出申請。 請與公共信息員,Jay Lu,聯絡,電話:415.701.4387或jay.lu@sfmta.com。





100 Larkin Street

Latino Room, 底層(lower level)



星期三, 3月7日,下午6一7時








1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place



儘管我們在某些​​領域上,只能有少許的弹性,但我們仍希望能在以下各項的預算提案中, 聽取公眾的意見:








「在線」市政廳和開放日會議,, 將會是一個很好的機會, 讓你瞭解更多目前預算案的前景,並讓我們有機會聽取您所關注的事情及解答你的疑問。




我們會將所有透過實時會議、開放日會議、和電子郵件收集到的公眾意見, 加以分類及分析。並將這些信息納入運營和資本預算文件內,並按照城市憲章的要求轉交給三藩市交通局(SFMTA)董事會。隨後,SFMTA董事會於3月6日和3月20日的在公開聽證會上,對擬議的運營和資本預算作出審查。預算案會於4月3日和4月17日交由SFMTA董事會表決後, 然後才 作正式批准。對於擬議預算案中的任何更改,在得到SFMTA董事會在預算聽證會的考量及批准後, 將會被納入「  已批准的預算案」(Approved Budget )文件中。




電話:311(415.701.2311三藩巿以外)或TTY 415.701.2323

美國郵政:SFMTA董事會,One South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103

Public Meetings

Free language and American Sign Language assistance can be provided with at least 48 hours' notice. Contact Jay Lu, Public Information Officer, at 415.701.4387 or jay.lu@sfmta.com to confirm your request.​

We hope to see you at one of the following meetings:

Public In-person Meeting Co-hosted with Senior Disability Action (SDA)

Friday, March 2, 1-4pm
SF Public Library Main Branch
100 Larkin Street
Latino Room at Lower Level 

Budget Townhall Meeting - Online

Wednesday, March 7, 6-7pm
Stream live right here at sfmta.com/budget

Board of Directors Meetings

Tuesday, March 6, 1pm
Tuesday, March 20, 1pm

City Hall, Room 400
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

How Your Feedback Can Help Shape The Budget

Although we have little flexibility in some areas, we are looking for public input on the budget proposals, including the following:

  • Transit Equity and priorities
  • Proposed fare and service changes
  • Bike projects
  • Parking fees
  • Pedestrian safety infrastructure
  • Street improvements
  • Suggestions for other revenue

The online townhall and open house meetings are opportunities for you to learn about our current budget outlook and for us to hear your concerns and answer questions.

How We Will Use Your Feedback

All incoming public feedback via the live-stream meeting, open house meetings and emails will be sorted and analyzed. The information will be incorporated into the operating and capital budget documents and transmitted to the SFMTA Board as required by the City Charter. The SFMTA Board of Directors then reviews the proposed operating and capital budget in public hearings on March 6 and March 20. The budget is formally adopted by the vote of SFMTA Board of Directors on April 3and April 17. Any changes to the proposed budget, as considered and approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors during budget hearings, are included in the Approved Budget document.

Contact Information

Email: sfmtabudget@sfmta.com
Telephone: 311 (415.701.2311 outside of San Francisco) or TTY 415.701.2323
U.S. Mail: SFMTA Board of Directors, One South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103