The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which oversees all transportation in the city, invites the public to an open house meeting for the Folsom Complete Street Pilot Project.
This proposed pilot project is designed to increase bicycle and pedestrian safety and comfort by creating a buffered bicycle lane and by reducing pedestrian crossing distances on Folsom Street between 4th and 11th streets. These enhancements will be made possible by a lane reduction from four travel lanes to three. The pilot project is anticipated to last approximately 18 months, with no changes to parking or transit anticipated.
Meeting Details:
What: Folsom Complete Street Pilot Project
When: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 (6:00 – 7:30 p.m.)
Where: SoMa Recreation Center (270 6th Street, at Folsom Street)
The Folsom Street Pilot Project design originates from possible design options identified in previous SoMa area community outreach efforts. With anticipated implementation by the end of 2013, the Folsom Complete Street Pilot Project will allow the SFMTA to measure the change in travel volumes along the corridor, better measure the diversion of traffic to parallel streets, and study the interaction between right turning vehicles and bicycles using various bicycle improvement strategies.