HeadsUp: The #ChineseNewYear Community Street Fair will take place this weekend in Chinatown (Saturday, 10am to 4:30pm and Sunday, 9am to 5pm). The 12 will have a minor reroute. For details: https://t.co/oL03wk0hKE https://t.co/RPmesAXCKd
Muni Alerts
HeadsUp: The annual #ChineseNewYear Parade will commence tomorrow at 5:30pm from Market & 2nd St. Some #SFMuni reroutes will begin at 10am while others at 2 p.m. Regular svc will resume after roadway is clear (approx. 10pm). For svc details:https://t.co/qNRIndWkgN https://t.co/0j9UyKvQf1
HeadsUp: The Kaiser Permanente @sfhalfmarathon & 5K is this Sunday, 8am. The 18, 33, 43 & 44 will have reroutes near @GoldenGatePark. #KPSFhalfmarathon https://t.co/3zAOVBmI6e https://t.co/EIXWa8Sbiu
HeadsUp: The SFMTA has introduced a Mobile Sales Van to bring our services to the community, starting today in the Bayview in Mendell Plaza (3rd/Palou) @ 10AM. Learn more about its deployment schedule & available services at: https://t.co/LYyLElYlt0
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Mission and 10th has cleared. IB 14 & 14R resuming regular routes. https://t.co/FYgIvSG0WI
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church and 30th has cleared. OB #JChurch resuming service. https://t.co/3gH0Aul3oa
ATTN: OB #JChurch delayed near Church and 30th due to an automobile that is too close to the track way.
ATTN: IB 14 & 14R delayed near Mission and 10th due to a coach in the intersection with its trolley pole stuck in the over head. IB coaches will reroute via 11th to Market to 8th to Mission.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church and 21st is clearing. Incident train is being removed from service. OB #JChurch resuming service. https://t.co/Rsjxzwi50Q
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Powell and Sutter has cleared. IB/OB Hyde and Mason Cable Car line resuming service. https://t.co/6Wi2j0LXwo
ATTN: Hyde and Mason Cable Car lines delayed near Sutter due to #SFFD activity.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Mission and 15th is clearing. IB 14/14R and 49 resuming service. https://t.co/Pg88wpum1v
ATTN: IB 14/14R, and 49 blocked at Mission and 15th by a non-Muni collision.
HeadsUp: The annual #ChineseNewYear Parade will commence Saturday, Feb. 4, at 5:30pm from Market & 2nd St. Some #SFMuni reroutes will begin at 10am while others at 2 p.m. Regular svc will resume after roadway is clear (approx. 10pm). For svc details:https://t.co/qNRIndWkgN https://t.co/5BuefSNsfZ
FINAL UPDATE: Delay near Cesar Chavez and Treat is clearing. OB 27 resuming service. https://t.co/tXrS2KsPRp
ATTN: OB 27 blocked on Cesar Chavez and Treat by #SFPD activity. Expect delays and possible reroute.
FINAL UPDATE: Plymouth/Farallones cleared. IB/OB 54 Felton has resumed regular route through the area. https://t.co/LJTgn3AmLC
ATTN: IB/OB 54 Felton rerouting via Grafton-Capitol-Sagamore to regular route due to a non-Muni collision at Plymouth/Farallones. Stops along Plymouth missed: Board @ Plymouth/Grafton OR Sagamore/Capitol.Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: IB 15 & 54 resuming regular service along Kiska. https://t.co/cQF1BW78GL