Lifeline Pass

Expired Lifeline cards are valid for use through December 2025. A valid monthly sticker is required to ride. 

The Lifeline Pass is a Muni-only monthly pass for customers on a limited income. Lifeline customers get unlimited access to Muni service, including cable cars, for a calendar month. The pass is offered at a 50% discount off the standard adult monthly pass price. Individuals with a gross annual income (before taxes) at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty level (income levels below) are eligible to receive the Lifeline pass.

If you do not ride enough to need a monthly pass then the SFMTA has a better option for you. The Clipper START Program provides a 50% single ride discount. Discounts are available on MUNI and most all Bay Area transit providers.

Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6
Household Size Annual Income 1 $30,120 2 $40,880 3 $51,640 4 $62,400 5 $73,160 6 $83,920

Add $10,760 for each additional household member above six.  


The Clipper START Fare provides single ride fare discounts to those who qualify for Lifeline. This is a great option if you qualify for Lifeline, but don't ride enough to need a monthly.

How To Apply

  1. If you currently receive receive Medi-Cal, EBT, or WIC benefits then complete an application below and include a copy of your benefit card. 
  2. If you do not currently receive one of the benefits above and meet the income requirement, then complete the Income Verification Form and follow the directions on page 3 to get verified. 


Using Your Lifeline ID Card

In order to access the Muni Metro Station faregates you must display your ID card to a Station Agent for access to the Metro system. If no agent is present, you may proceed through the faregate closest to the station agent booth – it will open automatically.

The ID card with valid monthly sticker affixed serves as proof of payment. On surface level vehicles, you may enter the back door or, when boarding the front door, display your ID card to the Operator.  Stickers are valid through the 3rd day of the following month. 

Where To Buy A Monthly Sticker

Monthly stickers may be purchased at the following locations. Lifeline stickers and MuniMobile passes are available for sale the last five and the first fifteen calendar days of each month unless otherwise noted below. Lifeline passes are not available for sale outside of those days. 

  • SFMTA Sales Kiosks (available the first and last ten days of the month)
    • Powell & Market - 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., seven days a week (closed 11 a.m – 11:30 a.m and 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. daily)
    • Presidio & Geary - 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., seven days a week excluding major holidays (closed 12:30 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.)
  • SFMTA Customer Service Center - 11 South Van Ness Avenue, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • Human Services Agency (HSA) - 170 Otis Street; Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    • Sales occur the last three and first two business days of each month
  • Human Services Agency (HSA) - 3120 Mission Street; Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    • Sales occur the last three and first two business days of each month
  • EVS Enterprises, LLC (Photo Focus) - 1100 Stockton Street (call for hours) 
  • Visitacion Valley Pharmacy - 100 Leland Avenue (call for hours)
  • Lucky Spot - 1944 Irving Street (call for hours)

Map of Sales Locations

The Lifeline monthly pass is also available on the MuniMobile app. You must have a valid Lifeline ID card while using the Lifeline MuniMobile fare on your phone. Visit MuniMobile or call 415.701.2311 for more information. 
The monthly pass on MuniMobile is only available for the first 15 and last 5 days of each month. 

If you purchased your monthly pass using the MuniMobile app you must still carry your Lifeline card with you to accompany the pass on your phone.


Transit Citation Dismissal

If you are applying for a Lifeline card for the first time and your application is accepted, your last transit citation issued within 30 days of enrollment is eligible for dismissal. Please provide a citation or ID number from the citation when applying. 
You can also protest your citation with information about when you applied.


No refunds, exchanges or replacements are issued for monthly stickers. 

Fill out this form to request a replacement card.

Lifeline Pass