Item 10.4 FY 2015 MTC grant
Item 10.5 Grant for Bike Sharing Pilot
statement cheryl brinkman reappointment.pdf
Cover letter to USDOT re 16th St TIGER application
16th Street Multimodal Corridor Project - Standard Form 424
16th Street Multimodal Corridor Project - TIGER Grant Project Narrative
TIGER Grant - Federal Wage Rate Certification & Letters of Support
16th Street Multimodal Corridor Project - Benefit Cost Analysis
Muni Quarterly Performance Report - FY 2014 Q2
Each quarter, the SFMTA submits a report to the Board of Supervisors detailing Muni's performance across a broad range of measures, including economic impact of Muni delays. This report details Muni's...
Muni Quarterly Performance Report - FY 2014 Q3
Each quarter, the SFMTA submits a report to the Board of Supervisors detailing Muni's performance across a broad range of measures, including economic impact of Muni delays. This report details Muni's...
2015-4-24 Mohamed A Saad.pdf
8-27-2014 - Meeting Agenda.pdf
August 27, 2014 - BOC meeting materials
August 27, 2014 - Approved Meeting minutes
April 2014 SFMTA Livable Streets Report to the San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)
Press Release--Statement from the SFMTA Director of Transportation on Bike and Roll to School Week.pdf
5-1-14 CAC Agenda.pdf
Citizens' Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, March 20, 2014
Draft Equity Policy
Equity Strategy presentation
Transportation 2030
Press Release--Between Car Barriers Enhance Safety on Muni Metro 04.24.14_0.pdf
Strategic Plan Progress Report - April 2014
Strategic Plan Progress Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...
Strategic Plan Metrics Report - April 2014
Strategic Plan Metrics Reports measure the SFMTA's progress toward meeting its goals, including Service Standards mandated by Proposition E, and are delivered monthly to the SFMTA Board's Policy and...