Muni Alerts

4 month ago

ATTN: IB 9 blocked at Bayshore and Cesar Chavez by construction-related equipment/work. IB 9 will reroute around the area. Stop at Potrero & 25th will be missed. Use stop at 24th.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Market btwn 6th and 5th has cleared. IB #FMarket has resumed service.

4 month ago

ATTN: IB #FMarket delayed on Market btwn 6th and 5th due to an object underneath a streetcar. #SFMuni personnel en route.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: SB/NB #TThird resuming regular service. Expect minor delays near Bayshore and Arleta until the scene clears.

4 month ago

UPDATE: SB #TThird will switchback at Third and Armstrong. The 15 will provide local T service to and from Bayshore and Sunnydale.

4 month ago

ATTN: NB #TThird delayed at Bayshore and Arleta by a non-Muni collision.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay near Fillmore and Grove has cleared. IB/OB 22 resuming regular service.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Incident train has been removed from service for repair. IB #JChurch service is resuming. Some residual svc gaps are likely as line svc is balanced out & due to the removed train.

4 month ago

ATTN: Powell Cable Car lines currently not in service due to a cable strand alarm. No ETA on when service will be able to resume on Powell Street.

Hyde & Mason line cars will switchback @ Washington.

We are having cable car operators pull out buses to provide svc on Powell St.

4 month ago

ATTN: IB #JChurch delayed at Church/20th due to disabled train. Working to clear. Will update.

4 month ago

ATTN: IB 9 blocked at Bayshore and Cesar Chavez by construction-related equipment/work. IB 9 will reroute around the area. Stop at Potrero & 25th will be missed. Use stop at 24th.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Bridgeview and Topeka has cleared. IB/OB 54 resuming service.

4 month ago

ATTN: IB/OB 54 delayed at Bridgeview and Topeka as two coaches are unable to pass each other. #SFMuni field personnel en route.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Polk btwn Pacific & Broadway is clearing. IB/OB 19 resuming regular service.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Sacramento and Front has cleared. OB 1 and IB 12 are resuming regular service.

4 month ago

ATTN: IB/OB 19 blocked on Polk between Pacific & Broadway by #SFFD activity. IB will reroute via Jackson to Van Ness to Broadway to Polk. OB will reroute via Broadway to Van Ness to Washington to Polk.

4 month ago

ATTN: OB 1 and IB 12 delayed at Sacramento and Front by a Muni-involved collision. Expect delays and reroutes.

4 month ago

ATTN: The 37 currently only has two coach in service. The third coach is down with a mechanical issue. Expect longer IB/OB wait times.

4 month ago

FINAL UPDATE: Cable issue resolved. The Powell cable car lines are resuming service in both directions.

4 month ago

ATTN: The Powell/Mason & /Hyde cable car lines are delayed along Powell St. in both directions due to a cable issue.

Will update.