UPDATE: OB 12 rerouting from Folsom via 26th-S. Van Ness-Cesar Chavez.OB 27 RRT from Cesar via Folsom-26th-SVN-Ce https://t.co/xnDDi0L3qR
Muni Alerts
ATTN: 12 Folsom/Pacific & 27 Bryant buses rerouting around the area of Cesar Chavez/Shotwell due to reported police https://t.co/gYtUGMkoYb
ATTN: The #MuniMetro subway entrance at Van Ness station on the northeast corner of Market/VN (by the former Walgre https://t.co/TZG7gc8Cji
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 16th and Valencia has cleared. IB/OB 22 and IB 55 resuming regular routes. https://t.co/evBdxvc3bH
ATTN: IB/OB 22 and IB 55 blocked at 16th and Valencia by #SFPD activity. OB 22 will reroute via Guerrero to 17th https://t.co/HxkfsWKk5Y
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Gilman and Hawes has cleared. IB 29 resuming regular service. https://t.co/X3aUcUkoST
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Market btwn 7th and 6th has cleared. IB/OB #FMarket resuming regular service. https://t.co/I3vbyKV9ic
UPDATE: #FMarket switchbacks - IB at Market/11th; OB at Ferry Plaza. Use #subwaysvc btwn Van Ness and Embarcadero. https://t.co/I3vbyKD044
ATTN: IB #FMarket delayed on Market btwn 7th and 6th due to a passenger on a bus needing medical attention.
ATTN: IB 29 blocked at Gilman and Hawes by #SFPD activity. IB 29 will reroute via Ingalls to Gilman. There will no https://t.co/VxyjRkga5v
HeadsUp: We'll be conducting more testing of new street level #CentralSubway infrastructure today and tomorrow. So https://t.co/NjH4m8TG1U
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Embarcadero and Brannan has cleared. IB/OB #TThird and #NJudah resuming regular service. Exp https://t.co/E0WKID3JxP
HeadsUp: We'll be conducting more testing of new street level #CentralSubway infrastructure tomorrow and Wednesday. https://t.co/wcSwwYbG2A
UPDATE: Overhead wire maintenance team on scene. IB #NJudah and #TThird continue to switchback at Harrison. OB T is https://t.co/Wt4QtIQCPN
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Lincoln and 19th has cleared. IB 7 and 29 resuming regular service. https://t.co/EyFN7rTZp9
UPDATE: IB #NJudah and IB T trains will switch back at Embarcadero & Harrison. Bus shuttles to support btwn Market https://t.co/YUj74l7jWC
UPDATE: OB #TThird will switchback at 4th/Channel. IB #NJudah and select IB T trains will switch back at Embarcader https://t.co/iEsFZVsnjt
ATTN: A second OB train is experiencing a pantograph issue near Embarcadero and Brannan. Expect #NJudah and #TThird https://t.co/aZp1QAvPAs
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Embarcadero and Brannan is clearing. Incident N train being removed from service. OB #NJudah https://t.co/F00Pans6By
ATTN: OB #NJudah and #TThird delayed at Embarcadero and Brannan due to a train with a pantograph issue.