ATTN: Powell Cable Car Line currently out of service due to reported slot blade deployment near Sacramento St.
Northbound cars on Powell St. will hold position.
Southbound Mason and Hyde Line cars will switch back at Washington.
ATTN: Powell Cable Car Line currently out of service due to reported slot blade deployment near Sacramento St.
Northbound cars on Powell St. will hold position.
Southbound Mason and Hyde Line cars will switch back at Washington.
FINAL UPDATE: Non-Muni collision at Fulton/Arguello cleared.
IB/OB 5, 5R & 33 are resuming regular routing.
UPDATE: IB 33 rerouting from Stanyan/Fulton via Stanyan-Turk-Arguello to reg. route. OB is inverse of IB reroute.
Stops Missed: IB @ Fulton/Stanyan & Arg./Fulton
OB @ Arg./Balboa, Fulton/Arg.
Board: IB @ Stan./Hayes OR Arg./Turk
OB @ Arg./Geary OR Stan./Fulton
UPDATE: IB 5/5R rerouting from Fulton via 3rd-Balboa-Turk-Stanyan-Fulton to reg. route. OB is inverse of IB reroute.
Stops Missed: Fulton/Arguello
Board: 4th OR Stanyan
UPDATE: IB 33 now also rerouting. Full reroute details for all impacted routes to follow.
ATTN: IB & OB 5 & 5R and OB 33 rerouting around Fulton/Arguello due to non-Muni collision. Stops at Fulton/Arguello missed.
UPDATE: OB 44 will reroute via Whitney Young to Hudson. IB 44 will reroute via 3rd to Evans to Newhall to Hudson to Whitney Young.
UPDATE: The 15 will reroute via Newcomb btwn Hudson and La Salle in both directions. The IB 54 will reroute via Whitney Young to Newcomb to La Salle. We are working on a reroute for the 44.
ATTN: The 15 and 54 blocked near Hudson and Ingalls by #SFPD. Expect delays and reroutes.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at San Jose and Niagara has cleared. Incident train was removed from service. IB #MOceanView resuming service.
ATTN: IB #MOceanView delayed at San Jose and Niagara due to a stalled train.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Civic Center is clearing. OB #subwaysvc is resuming. There will be slow moving OB svc through the downtown stations. Expect residual delays in both directions.
UPDATE: An IB #Kingleside train that is currently at Civic Center will single tracked back to Church while providing OB svc. The train will then be crossed over onto the OB tracks at Castro.
ATTN: OB #subwaysvc delayed Civic Center due to a customer on board a train needing medical assistance.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on 15th btwn Portola and West Portal has cleared. OB 57 is resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: IB #JChurch is now cleared at Church and 16th.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Market and 4th has cleared. IB #FMarket resuming service.
ATTN: IB #FMarket delayed at Market and 4th by a streetcar that is stalled on an overhead wire circuit breaker.
UPDATE CORRECTION: IB #JChurch remains blocked at Church and 16th by medical responders.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Church and 16th has cleared. IB #JChurch resuming service.