ATTN: IB 9/9R blocked at Potrero and 16th by #SFPD. Expect IB 9/9R to reroute via 16th to Bryant to 11th.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: OB 9 & 9R rerouting around Sunnydale btwn Bayshore & Talbert due to road work.
RRT via Visitacion-Talbert-Sunnydale to reg. route.
Stops Missed: Sunnydale/Bayshore & /Talbert
Board: Sunnydale/Rutland
FINAL UPDATE: Stalled train cleared. IB #NJudah resuming service.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at Judah/22nd due to stalled train. Personnel on scene working to clear.
Will update.
UPDATE: #NJudah resuming regular service to and from Caltrain. N trains will operate at a reduced speed between Embarcadero Station and Ferry Portal.
UPDATE: Due to this switch issue only one side track between Embarcadero Station and Ferry Portal will be available for use. As a result, IB #subwaysvc may experience slow moving service towards Embarcadero.
UPDATE: Bus shuttles will operate between Market & Steuart and Caltrain.
ATTN: Due to a switch issue near Ferry Portal IB #NJudah trains will switch back at Embarcadero Station. Bus shuttles will provide N Line svc btwn Market/Spear and Caltrain. Consider the 30, 45, & #TThird as alternatives.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Third and Armstrong has cleared. SB #TThird resuming service.
ATTN: SB #TThird blocked at Third and Armstrong by a train with a mechanical issue. Maintenance personnel en route.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay on Fillmore btwn Hermann and Haight has cleared. IB/OB 22 has resumed regular route.
ATTN: IB/OB 22 Fillmore rerouting around Fillmore btwn Hermann & Haight due to fire dept. activity.
IB from Hermann via Steiner-Haight-Fillmore to reg. route.
Stop Missed: Fillmore/Haight
Board at Oak.
OB via Fillmore-Steiner-Hermann-Church to reg. route.
No stops missed.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Castro and Market is clearing. The 24, 35, and 37 resuming service.
UPDATE: Prostest demonstration currently blocking the intersection of Market and Castro. The 24, 35, and 37 being impacted.
UPDATE: the 24 and 35 are blocked near Castro and Market. Expect delays and reroutes.
ATTN: The 24 and 33 may see delays and possible reroutes near 18th and Castro due to a protest demonstration.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Bridgeview and Topeka has cleared. IB/OB 54 has resumed regular service.
ATTN: IB/OB 54 blocked near Bridgeview and Topeka by a disabled automobile. IB/OB 54 will reroute via Williams.
UPDATE: IB & OB 48 rerouting, with updated IB reroute.
IB via Clipper-Douglass-26th-Castro-24th to reg. rte.
Stops Missed: Diamond/25th & /26th
Board: Clip./Douglass OR 24th/Castro
OB via Castro-25th-Douglass-Clipper
No stops missed.
OB 35 reroute via 24th-Castro-Clipper
Stops Missed: Dia./24th, /25th, /Clipper
Board: Doug./24th OR Diamond/26th
IB 48 via Clipper-Castro-24th
Stops Missed: Diamond/25th, /24th
Board: 24th/Castro