Golden Gate
Welcome! | 歡迎! | ¡Bienvenido!| Chào mừng! | أهلا بك! | Добро пожаловать! |Mabuhay!
Welcome! | 歡迎! | ¡Bienvenido!| Chào mừng! | أهلا بك | Добро пожаловать! | Mabuhay!
These projects propose quick and reversible traffic safety improvements that prioritize safety for the most vulnerable roadway users. Proposed improvements include lane reductions, safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and parking/loading changes along Golden Gate Avenue (from Market to Polk streets) and Leavenworth Street (from McAllister to Post streets). At the event, you can learn more about the proposed changes, ask questions and provide feedback on the projects.
Office hours for community members to speak directly with the project team regarding concerns will be held at the following times:
Thursday, December 17 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday, December 18 from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Saturday, December 19 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Tuesday, December 22, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday, December 30 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Tuesday, January 5, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Thursday, January 7, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Office hours will be available online via Microsoft Teams and by phone.
To join by phone, please dial +1 415-915-0757 and enter the Phone Conference ID: 886 387 258#
Virtual Open House Details
Each Quick-Build project is its own interactive, online event webpage. They can be accessed at any time beginning at 12pm tomorrow, December 15, and will be “live” through January 8, 2021.
Like the SFMTA’s in-person project open houses, when you access the webpages you will be able to learn more about the projects such as the project background, timeline and proposed quick-build designs. Community members will then have an opportunity to provide feedback and/or ask questions by attending our weekly office hours, emailing and taking our project survey.
Project staff will post responses to questions and comments received from the project survey on to the Virtual Open House webpages by the end of each week.
Proposed Quick-build Improvements
- Reducing travel lanes to calm traffic and address excessive roadway capacity and speeding
- Installing crosswalks and painted safety zones to increase visibility, safety and comfort for pedestrians
- Potential for extended pedestrian walkway and protected bicycle lanes to provide a buffer between vehicles and increase safety for non-motorized travel (walking, biking, etc.)
For more information, please email us at We look forward to seeing you soon!