Facilities and Real Property Management

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General Description


The Facilities and Real Property Management Section is responsible for creating and maintaining innovative spaces including buildings, grounds and workplaces that support delivering excellent transportation choices for San Francisco. The team is engaged in leading the physical planning and pre-development design of buildings and grounds; providing real property-related services, including acquisition, disposition, or development, and managing facility space planning. The team is also engaged in managing SFMTA's real estate portfolio and leasing of SFMTA owned facilities; delivering janitorial services, completion of routine work order requests; managing staff relocations, and managing the maintenance of structures, utilities, mechanical and electrical systems. This work is all done to ensure that the SFMTA "Campus" – including dozens of buildings and grounds in San Francisco and Daly City – are safe and secure, and function as optimized work environments.




Building / Facility Maintenance  

This work group is focused on maintaining SFMTA facilities and delivering small to medium capital projects, especially those identified in the 2015 Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) to improve SFMTA's State of Good Repair across all facilities. 


Campus Planning / Environmental Review  

The SFMTA Campus Planning team supports the SFMTA's physical space and operational needs through development of projects, plans and reports to enhance and sustain the SFMTA Campus as it grows and changes. The team leads physical planning and pre-development design of capital building and site project proposals, and manages facility space planning in pursuit of Campus-wide space optimization. To further this work, the team also leads engagement with SFMTA Divisions, City and County of San Francisco Departments, and other project stakeholders, and manages the pre-development phase of facility capital projects. 


Strategic Real Estate  

The Strategic Real Estate Group (SRE) is responsible for property transactions of all real property required for SFMTA purposes. SRE manages all SFMTA building operations, generates significant revenue via retail sales in SFMTA controlled parking garages, and leasing and licensing of property to telecom service providers. Acting in many capacities, SRE manages over 25 agency-owned or leased facilities, and administers over 390 real estate related contracts. 


Asset Management Unit

The SFMTA Asset Management Unit promotes and implements Asset Management best practices throughout the Agency. This effort actively seeks to maximize the condition, safety, performance, reliability, and management of the transportation system through...

Maintenance of Way

Our Responsibilities Track and Signal Maintenance, Infrastructure Maintenance and Overhead Lines; maintaining facilities and infrastructure (garages and shops), light rail right-of-way, track way, fare collection system, vehicle and station cleaning...