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Van Ness Improvement Project Construction Forecast: July 24, 2017 – August 4, 2017

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The following Van Ness Improvement Project construction forecast is subject to change due to weather or unforeseen conditions. For more project details, please visit

Those who travel in and through the area are advised to take alternate routes and plan for delays.

Monday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 25: Traffic control maintenance and construction site preparation will be conducted on Van Ness between Lombard and Mission Streets. Excavating and restoring potholes for archeological purposes will occur from Vallejo to Lombard streets.

Wednesday through Friday, July 26 through 28: Traffic control maintenance and construction site preparation will be conducted on Van Ness between Lombard and Mission Streets. Excavating and restoring potholes for archeological purposes will occur from Mission to Market streets and Vallejo to Lombard streets.

Monday through Friday, July 31 through August 4: Traffic control maintenance and construction site preparation will be conducted on Van Ness between Lombard and Mission Streets.
