The following Van Ness Improvement Project construction forecast is subject to change. For more project details, please visit
Tentative Schedule:
Monday, November 20, through Tuesday, November 21: Crews will be surveying sidewalks, marking utilities and installing tree protection from McAllister to Lombard streets. Duct banks to power overhead wires for buses will be installed in joint trenches from Grove to Golden Gate. Construction fence will be installed from McAllister to Sutter streets.
Between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Crews will begin work to update the emergency firefighting water systems from Grove to Golden Gate streets. Neighbors are advised to anticipate construction-related noise, including grinding, as crews work diligently to complete this necessary night work.
Wednesday, November 22: Saw cutting to begin removing the road surface between Jackson and Lombard streets is scheduled. Crews will be surveying sidewalks, marking utilities and installing tree protection from McAllister to Lombard streets. Duct banks to power overhead wires for buses will be installed from Grove to Golden Gate. Construction fence will be installed from McAllister to Sutter street.
Between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Crews will begin work on updating the emergency firefighting water systems from Lombard to Chestnut streets. Neighbors are advised to anticipate construction-related noise, including grinding, as crews work diligently to complete this necessary night work.
Thursday, November 23, through Friday, November 24: No work is scheduled for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 27, through Friday, December 1: Sawcutting to begin removing the road surface between Jackson and Lombard streets is scheduled. Crews will be surveying sidewalks, marking utilities and installing tree protection from McAllister to Lombard streets. Duct banks to power overhead wires for buses will be installed from Grove to Golden Gate. Construction fence will be installed from McAllister to Sutter street.
Between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Crews will work on updating the emergency firefighting water systems from Vallejo to Lombard streets and shifting the overhead wires that power buses from Grove to McAllister street. Neighbors are advised to anticipate construction-related noise, including grinding, as crews work diligently to complete this necessary night work.