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Muni Service Changes: May 11, 2019

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Starting Saturday, May 11, 2019, some Muni lines will have minor changes to stops, changing the boarding location across the street. Read below for more information.

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28 19th Avenue

The last outbound stop at the Daly City BART Station will be in parking lot, at the top of the ramp.

Stop ID Summary of Change
Daly City BART Parking Lot 17925 New location for last stop, drop-off only.

Map showing new drop-off location for the 28 in the Daly City BART Station Parking Lot.

Note: No changes to inbound stops. The first inbound stop boards in the same location.

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54 Felton

A new stop sign on Avalon Ave at La Grande Ave requires moving the outbound bus stop.

Stop ID Summary of Change
Avalon & La Grande 13681 Stop relocated to before the intersection.

Map showing new stop location for the outbound 54 Felton at La Grande Ave.

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67 Bernal Heights

The inbound stop Bradford St at Esmerelda Ave will move to before the stop sign at Bernal Height Blvd to improve service.

Stop ID Summary of Change
Bradford & Esmerelda 13710 Stop relocated to before the intersection with Bernal Heights Blvd.

Map showing new location of the inbound 67 stop at Bradford & Esmerelda

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