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Golden Gate National Recreation Area Traffic Changes Starting May 11, 2019

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Weekend Traffic and Transit Advisory

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area is testing a new traffic pattern to access the Marin Headlands. The 76X will miss some stops during this test.

In the Marin Headlands, the 76X will operate in a large loop. From US 101 headed into the Headlands, the 76X will run along Bunker Road; exiting the Headlands, it will run along McCullough and Conzelman roads. 

During this testing period, the 76X will miss these outbound stops to the Headlands:

For access to Conzelman Road stops, ride around the headlands and use the stops in the inbound direction. There will be no change to inbound stops to Downtown San Francisco.

For more information about the traffc pattern being tested, visit the Golden Gate National Recreation Area Traffic Pilot Program.
