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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day March and Celebration: January 20, 2020

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The Northern California Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Foundation is hosting a march honoring Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The march begins at 11 a.m. from Caltrain’s 4th and King Station. The march concludes in Yerba Buena Gardens with a celebration and other planned events.

Muni will provide shuttle service between Caltrain and Yerba Buena Gardens between 9:30 am and about 5:00 pm, offering service between 4th St & Townsend and Howard & 3rd St. The shuttle loop will be go east on Townsend, north on 3rd St, west on Howard, south on 5th St back to Townsend.

Muni may be subject to delays in the vicinity of the march from around 10 am to 12:30 p.m.

Map of MLK Day march and Muni shuttle route.
