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Change in Lane Configurations Mansell Between Dublin & Visitacion Avenues

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The bus stops in the vicinity of Mansell and Persia Streets in McLaren Park  will be moved to establish two way traffic on the southern roadway and bike and pedestrian facilities on the northern roadway.

Phase 2 of this project will shift all traffic from the northern roadway to the new two-way southern roadway, operating with one lane of traffic in each direction. This roadway will be the final configuration of the road. Sidewalk areas are constructed for Muni passengers at the stops listed below.

29 Sunset

New Stop Locations Inbound:

Mansell Street & John F Shelley Dr. West
Mansell Street & Brazil
Persia & Prague

New Stop Locations Outbound:

Persia Avenue & Prague
Mansell & Brazil
Mansell St & John F Shelley Dr. East
