Transportation Network Company (TNC) Access for All Reporting

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Since 2013, ride-hail companies, also known as Transportation Network Companies or TNCs, have become increasingly visible on San Francisco’s streets. While the SFMTA and our sister agency, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) do not regulate these services—a job entrusted statewide to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)—we have worked together to pay close attention to the impact they have on our transportation network and shaped our areas of studies, policies, and programs accordingly.

San Francisco was proud to support the TNC Access for All Act, signed into law by then-Governor Jerry Brown in 2018. The bill requires the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to develop regulations relating to accessibility for persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users who need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle (WAV). The bill also created a financial incentive for TNCs to increase accessibility by imposing a per-trip fee on all TNC rides in the state. The funds from this fee are then used to reimburse ride-hailing companies for their expenses if they demonstrate they are improving access to WAVs on their platforms. SFMTA partnered with ZS Associates to create the following dashboards, which track TNC Access for All Act performance data.


Data presented here is submitted to CPUC by TNCs through the Advice Letter Process and distributed to the R.19-02-012 service list. For more information on the Advice Letter Process see:

TNC - Access Advice Letter Status (


In creating these visualizations, the SFMTA made no alterations except where noted. 

SFMTA assumes no responsibility for verifying the accuracy or omission of data reported to the CPUC. 

For more information see: 

CPUC TNC: Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities Program (SB 1376, Hill)

CPUC Data Dictionary

TNC - CPUC Response Time Report