The SFMTA will begin the major sewer excavation process as soon as December 5, 2016, from 8 am to 5 pm. Work will start at 19th and Illinois Streets to 18th and Illinois Streets. The work will last for approximately two months. “No parking, Tow-Away” signs will be placed around the intersections of Illinois Street from 18th to 19th Streets. The “No parking, Tow-Away” signs will allow enough clearance for the work to be done as well as store material for the sewer casings.
Mitchell Engineering will clearly mark all work areas and flaggers will help to direct traffic. Please plan for minor delays when driving or bicycling through this area. Vehicular and pedestrian access to properties along the project site will be maintained. The entire project is expected to be completed within five to six months.
Note – Mitchell Engineering will be on site Monday (12/5) morning around 6 am to monitor vehicles parked in the "No parking, Tow-Away" areas in an attempt to limit the number of vehicle tows.
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Adrienne Heim, Public Information Officer, 1 South Van Ness Avenue – 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, (415) 646-2564.