The WalkFirst Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Project will construct new pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons at ten locations. All new flashing beacons constructed by this project will include accessible pedestrian signals. New curb ramps will be constructed at certain locations where they are missing to help provide an accessible path of travel onto and off of public sidewalks.
Three of the ten project locations are on the Vision Zero High Injury Network. The flashing beacons are intended to increase visibility of pedestrians. They are also intended to increase the rate of drivers yielding to pedestrians.
The project is funded by SFCTA Proposition B.
Project Locations
- Alemany Boulevard, Brotherhood Way and Sagamore Street
- Berkeley Way and Diamond Heights Boulevard (east intersection)
- Castro Street and Henry Street
- Clay Street and Gough Street
- Clayton Street and Fulton Street
- Cortland Avenue and Moultrie Street
- Diamond Heights Boulevard and Duncan Street (north intersection), completed 4/4/2024
- Roselyn Terrace and Turk Boulevard, completed 9/23/2022
- San Bruno Avenue and Woolsey Street, completed 10/12/2023
- Turk Boulevard and Willard Street North
Public Hearing
The new pedestrian activated flashing beacons were presented at an engineering public hearing held on November 3, 2023. The beacons were approved for implementation by the City Traffic Engineer on November 9, 2023.
- Detailed Design
- Legislated