Muni Forward 9 San Bruno Rapid Proposal

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Introduksyon sa Proyekto (Project Introduction)


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This Proposal's Fast-Tracked Segment - in Coordination with Repaving Project

What's included in the 9 San Bruno Travel Rapid Proposal?

To reduce travel times and enhance reliability on the routes that make up its proposed Rapid Network, the Muni Forward project identifies a variety of Travel Time Reduction Proposals (TTRPs), which are engineering strategies oriented to specifically address the delays vehicles face along rapid routes. As a part of the proposed Rapid Network, the 9-San Bruno has its own toolkit of TTRPs, which specifically target the evaluated causes of delays within the 9-San Bruno corridor.


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The Proposals Include:


  • Optimizing transit stop locations at four intersections. Relocating transit stops from the near-side to the far-side of intersections at proposed traffic signals would allow streetcars to take advantage of planned transit signal priority improvements. 
  • Increasing transit stop spacing from one to two blocks to two to three blocks. Currently the 9-San Bruno stops at almost every block within the study area. This proposal moves toward a two to three block spacing for most stops. By stopping fewer times, the bus takes less time to move through the corridor.
  • Adding transit bulbs at seven intersections. Transit bulbs are sidewalk extensions alongside bus stops that allow buses to pick-up and drop-off customers without having to pull out of the travel lane into a bus stop and then wait for a gap to merge back into traffic. Transit bulbs enhance the ability of buses to take advantage of planned all-door boarding and provide space for transit shelters and other customer amenities.
  • Turn Restrictions at one intersection. Extending the hours of existing left-turn restrictions and creating new left-turn restrictions can reduce traffic delay by ensuring that auto traffic does not block intersections while waiting to turn left.


Fast-Tracked Segment

Note that approval and implementation of the following segment of this Rapid Proposal is being fast-tracked:

- Potrero Avenue between Alameda and Cesar Chavez Streets

Specifically, this segment is proposed for fast-tracking for the purpose of coordinating with an already-scheduled repaving project, which is anticipated for initiation between the Spring and Fall of 2014.



9-San Bruno from Market Street to Bayshore & Alemany

Muni’s 9-San Bruno (Market Street to Bayshore & Alemany) line carries more than 15,000 daily customers on an average weekday.  A large proportion of these customers board at stops located within the proposed travel time reduction project study area. Within the study area, the 9-San Bruno operates at less than optimal speeds during peak periods.


Related Projects

On March 28, 2014, the SFMTA Board of Directors approved and legislated many of Muni Forward's proposed service and route changes, including service adjustments for the 9-San Bruno. These adjustments include route restructuring, frequency improvements, and vehicle type changes, which will direct resources where they are needed most, reducing crowding and improving connections to regional transit.

Proposals for Connecting Rapid Network Routes:

Katayuan ng Proyekto (Project Status)
  1. Current