Bryant Street Before
Existing Conditions:
- View into the bus yard
- Inactive streets at Bryant and 17th streets
Bryant Street After
Proposed New Features:
- Top of the bus facility (approximately 75 feet tall)
- Bus facility wall treatment (i.e. views into bus facility, green wall, screening, and artwork)
- Potential joint development lobby
- Programmed and active street (i.e commercial and retail uses)
- Potential joint development above (above the approximately 75 feet of bus facility up to 150 feet maximum height. Final building land uses to be determined in future phases.)
- Variation to the building's facade
Mariposa Street Before
Existing Conditions:
- Main bus access on Mariposa Street
Mariposa Street After
Proposed New Features:
- Top of the bus facility (approximately 75 feet tall)
- Potential joint development above (above the approximately 75 feet of bus facility up to 150 feet maximum height. Final building land uses to be determined in future phases.)
- SFMTA operations and training Facility (final building land uses to be determined in future phases.)
- Improved streetscape
- Stepping back to respect neighborhood scale
- Bus facility wall treatment (i.e. views into bus facility, green wall, screening, and artwork)