J Church Transfer Improvements Project Proposed Legislation
Potrero Yard Modernization Project Working Group Meeting Minutes #15
Lake Street Slow Street Resident Survey
Please note that this survey is for Lake Street residents only. If you are a visitor to Lake Street or live on a side street adjacent to Lake Street, please visit SFMTA.com/LakeVisitorSurvey and take...
Lake Street Slow Street Visitor Survey
*This survey will close on August 16, 2020. Lake Street Slow Street Visitor Survey - English Lake Street Slow Street Visitor Survey - Chinese Lake Street Slow Street Visitor Survey - Russian
Guidance for Public and Private Passenger Carriers 7.2.2020
7-2-20 BSSC Meeting minutes
7-2-20 Board Secretary Search Committee meeting minutes
7-2-20 BSSC COMTO suggestions
7-2-20 SFMTA Board of Directors Board Secretary Search Committee Agenda
7-2-20 BSSC Item 4 job description
7-2-20 Board Secretary Hiring Process
Percentage of Muni trips with service gaps on Equity Strategy routes (Achieved Metric)
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Objective Objective 3.1: Use...
Percentage of contract amounts awarded to Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBEs) and Local Business Enterprises (LBEs)
Scooter and Bike Complaints to 311
Muni cost per revenue hour (Archived Metric)
Scooter and Bike Parking Citations Issued by Date
Scooter and Bike Parking Citations Issued Total
Central Subway Monthly Progress Report, July 2020
This is a general monthly report on the progress of the Central Subway project, including an Executive Summary; reports on costs, schedules and funding; information on contracts; and photos of the...
Percentage of capital projects initiated/completed on time
Metric is in the process of being updated and finalized. Objective Objective 4.5: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and project delivery through the implementation of...
Muni cost per unlinked trip (Archived Metric)
Muni farebox recovery ratio
Muni cost recovery ratio
Taxi fee schedule 7.1.2020
Flyer Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes
Carriles de tránsito temporal (folleto)
建議臨時公交傳行車道: 宣傳冊
Post Incident Summaries - July 2020
Detailed accounts of recent major system delays of 30-minutes or longer. We apologize if you were inconvenienced by any of these delays and thank you for riding Muni. Incidents are posted on this page...