Reminder: #MuniMetro subway closure to take place beginning at 9:30pm tonight and each night thru Sunday, 4/24, exc
Muni Alerts
FINAL UPDATE: Muni-involved collision cleared. !B 24 Divisadero has resumed regular route.
UPDATE: OB 15X not impacted by incident and will remain on its regular route.
ATTN: OB 15X & IB 24 Divisadero rerouting via Newhall-Oakdale-Phelps-Palou due to Muni-involved collision on Newhal
FINAL UPDATE: Tree cleared from overhead line. The IB 8 Bayshore has resumed regular route.
Reminder: There will be no early closure of the #MuniMetro subway tonight due to the NBA game at @ChaseCenter.Full
FINAL UPDATE: Police activity cleared. Resuming #SubwaySvc.
ATTN: #SubwaySvc delayed in both directions due to police activity at Castro station. Will update.
ATTN: IB 8 Bayshore rerouting via Sutter - Stockton - Columbus to regular route due to downed tree on the overhead line. 5 stops missed.
ATTN: Tonight's early #MuniMetro subway closure for Fix It! Week has begun. For details on the Transit Service Pla
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at MacArthur Tunnel has cleared. OB 28 resuming regular service.
ATTN: OB 28 blocked near the MacArthur Tunnel by a non-Muni collision. OB 28 will reroute via California btwn Presidio Blvd/Ave and 19th.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Ferry Portal is clearing. OB #NJudah and #TThird entering the subway.
ATTN: OB #NJudah and #TThird delayed at Ferry Portal as a train is attempting to gain automatic mode to enter #subwaysvc.
ATTN: Report of traffic lights out at 24th and Mission. Treat as a four way stop. Exercise caution through the area.
Reminder: #MuniMetro subway closure to take place beginning at 9:30pm tonight and each night thru Sunday, 4/24, exc
ATTN: Extended wait times likely today (4/15) on the #FMarket Line due to multiple not-in-service streetcars. For t
FINAL UPDATE: Powell Cable Car lines resuming service.
ATTN: Powell/Hyde & /Mason Cable Car lines down due to reported slot blade deployment. All cars are holding position. Will update.
ATTN: IB/OB 52 Excelsior rerouting via 10th-Noriega-9th due to construction work near 9th/Noriega. OB stops @ Orte