FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Third and Williams has cleared. IB #TThird resuming service.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: IB #TThird delayed at Third and Williams due to a train with a door issue. We are working to clear.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Fitzgerald and Hawes has cleared. IB 29 resuming regular route.
ATTN: IB 29 blocked at Fitzgerald and Hawes by #SFFD. IB 29 routing via Jennings to Gilman to regular route.
UPDATE: demonstration march has cleared at Market and Castro. #SFMuni service in the area operating normally.
UPDATE: Demonstration march near Castro and Market area. The #FMarket, 24, 35, 37, and L Bus may see delays
UPDATE: IB/OB 33 resuming regular service on 18th btwn Guerrero and Valencia.Another, separate demonstration marc
UPDATE: IB/OB 33 will reroute around the block. No stops will be missed.
UPDATE: Demonstration march currently staging on 18th btwn Valencia and Guerrero. The IB/OB 33 will be rerouted aro
UPDATE: Demonstration march is now turning onto southbound Mission Street from 16th Street. The 14/14R and 49 will
ATTN: Demonstration march proceeding along westbound Market Street. OB #SFMuni Market Street service will see minor
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 16th has cleared. Incident train was removed from service. OB #NJudah resuming ser
ATTN: OB #NJudah delayed at Judah and 16th due to a train with a door issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Police activity cleared from the area.
HeadsUp: #LTaraval Improvement Project community engagement & media roundtable event is today at 11:30 w/ Sup. Mar,
HeadsUp: Delays possible in the area of Salesforce Transit Center due to SFPD activity. Will update as more information becomes available.
UPDATE: Disabled train taken out of service, towed into Mint Yard. Resuming IB/OB #JChurch & #NJudah service, as we
FINAL UPDATE: Disabled cable car cleared. Powell/Mason & /Hyde lines resuming regular service.
ATTN: IB #NJudah & #JChurch delayed at Church/Duboce due to stalled train near tunnel entrance. OB #SubwaySvc also
ATTN: Powell/Mason & /Hyde cable car lines delayed due to disabled cable car near Powell/Market. Working to clear. Will update.