FINAL UPDATE: OB California Cable Car Line resuming service through area of Kearny.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: OB California Cable Car Line will experience minor delay near Kearny as #SFFD vehicles clear the area.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at 4th & King is clearing. IB/OB #NJudah and #TThird operating normal service through the area.
ATTN: IB/OB #NJudah and #TThird may see delays near 4th & King due to a signal issue. Signal maintenance personnel on scene.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Judah and 34th has cleared. Incident train was removed from service. IB #NJudah resuming service.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delayed at Judah and 34th due to a train door issue.
FINAL UPDATE: Stalled train removed from service for repair. IB #NJudah resuming service; a residual service gap as a result of the out-of-svc train will be mitigated as quickly as possible. Delay lasted approximately 10 minutes.
ATTN: IB #NJudah delay at Carl/Cole due to a stalled train. Working to clear. Will update.
FINAL UPDATE: Slow-moving #SubwaySvc has been resolved in both directions.
We apologize for any inconvenience the earlier delays may have caused.
UPDATE: The trackway system issue at Embarcadero has been resolved. There is now slow-moving westbound #SubwaySvc as we work to balance line service and "unclog" the eastern end of the Market St. subway.
HeadsUp: We are experiencing slow-moving eastbound #SubwaySvc btwn Van Ness & Embarcadero due to a trackway system issue that is slowing our ability to turn around trains after they've serviced EMB.
We are working to resolve this issue.
FINAL UPDATE: The California Cable Car Line has resumed service.
ATTN: IB/OB California Cable Car Line is currently delayed near Hyde. Emergency brake was delpoyed on a cable car. Maintenance personnel en route to help clear the cable car.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Brazil and Edinburgh is clearing. IB 52 resuming regular service.
FINAL UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line is back up and running. IB/OB Hyde and Mason lines resuming regular service.
ATTN: Powell Cable Car Line is down due to a cable issue. IB Hyde and Mason cable cars will switch back at Washington and Powell.
FINAL UPDATE: IB/OB 1 resuming regular service through area of California and Spruce. Expect minor delays until scene fully clears.
ATTN: IB 52 blocked at Brazil and Edinburgh by #SFFD activity. IB 52 will reroute via Naples to Persia to Madrid to Brazil.
ATTN: IB 52 blocked at Brazil and Edinburgh by #SFFD activity. IB 52 will reroute via Naples to Brazil to Madrid to Brazil.
UPDATE: OB 1 resuming regular service. IB 1 will continue to reroute.