ATTN: Eastbound #SubwaySvc delay at Castro due to train door issue. Working to clear. Will update.
Muni Alerts
ATTN: Powell/Hyde Cable Cars routing via the Powell/Mason Line due to fire dept. activity on Jackson b/t Leavenworth & Jones.
UPDATE: #SFMuni Market Street service resuming normal operations btwn 3rd and 4th in both directions.
UPDATE: #SFMuni Market Street service btwn 3rd and 4th is currently blocked in both directions.
UPDATE: Protest march is moving onto O'Farrell from Taylor. IB 38/38R will experince delays.
UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line has resumed service.
UPDATE: The march is turning onto Geary. The OB 38/38R will experience delays and possible reroutes.
UPDATE: Powell Cable Car Line currently delayed near Union Square are due to protest march. Once the march has cleared the area service will resume.
ATTN: OB 38/38R and Powell Cable Car Line may experience delays near Union Square area due to protest demonstration. Expect possible reroutes and switchbacks.
ATTN: IB #FMarket delayed at Market and 4th by a disabled #SFMuni coach.
ATTN: Reroutes for the 14, 14R, 27, 48, 49 & 67 routes are beginning for the May Day march taking place in The Mission.
UPDATE: Predictions are populating again but may be intermittent until system maintenance has been completed.
FINAL UPDATE: Delay at Wilde and Rutland has cleared. IB 56 resuming regular service.
ATTN: Arrival time predictions are currently not available.
UPDATE: IB 56 will reroute via Goettingen to Campbell to Rutland to regular route. Stops missed: Wilde & Goettingen to Tioga & Rutland. Board at Wilde & Brussels or Rutland & Campbell.
HeadsUp: Between 8 and 9pm tonight arrival time predictions may be intermittent as our vender, Umo IQ, will be performing some system maintenace. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
UPDATE: Both coaches on the 56 are currently blocked by the #SFFD activity. #SFMuni personnel en route to Wilde & Rutland.
FINAL UPDATE: All three coaches are up and running on the 36.
ATTN: IB 56 blocked at Wilde and Rutland by #SFFD activity. IB 56 will reroute via Rutland to regular route. Missed stops: Wilde & Delta and Delta & Tioga. Board at: Wilde & Rutland or Rutland & Tioga.
UPDATE: Two coaches are in service on the 36. One coach remains out of service due to ongoing mechanical issue.