Color Curbs

“Color curb” zones provide access to the curb to help facilitate activities like the loading of people or goods. Accessible parking (“blue”) zones and driveway red zones are active 24 hours a day. Commercial loading (“yellow”) zones, passenger loading (“white”) zones, general loading zones, and short-term parking (“green”) zones are typically active only at certain times and revert to general parking when not active. Color curb zones are identified with signage and/or curb paint. Every color curb zone is open for use by the public, even if a business or organization applied and/or paid fees for the zoneFor more information on the different types of color curb zones, click on the links below.

Color Curb Type General Information Placement Fees
Color Curb Type White zones General Information

Passenger loading or unloading

Vehicles must be attended (exceptions for daycares, preschools, and hospitals)

Active during the hours displayed on the signage or curbs

Placement Locations with significant demand for passenger loading (restaurants, bars), institutions (religious institutions, hospitals, schools), and large residential or office buildings Fees Yes
Color Curb Type Yellow zones General Information

Commercial loading for trucks and vehicles with commercial license plates

Active during the hours displayed on the signage or curbs

Placement Locations with significant number of deliveries Fees No
Color Curb Type General Loading zones General Information

Five-minute loading or unloading of goods or passengers

Open to all types of vehicles

Active during the hours displayed on the signage

Placement Busy, dense commercial corridors or blocks where they can serve multiple businesses Fees Yes
Color Curb Type Green zones General Information

Short-term parking

Time limited (10, 15 and 30 minutes)

Active during the hours displayed on the signage or curbs

Placement Locations with short customer trips such as dry cleaners, banks, ATMs, libraries, and post offices Fees Yes
Color Curb Type Blue zones General Information

Parking for people with valid disabled placards

No time limits

Active 24 hours a day, with the exception of street cleaning hours

Placement Public places or destinations where access is needed for many people with mobility challenges Fees No
Color Curb Type Driveway red zones General Information

Red painted "tips" on either side of a driveway to maintain clearance

Active 24 hours a day

Placement Residential areas Fees Yes


White zones, green zones, general loading zones, and driveway red zones have fees associated with them. Application fees are non-refundable, and installation fees are due once a zone is approved. Application fees cover the cost of the site assessment and the public notification and hearing process. All submitted color curb applications are only reviewed after payment has been received (where fees are applicable).

Some white and general loading zone applicants may qualify for a fee exemption. Government agencies providing public services, and non-profits that provide free services exclusively to seniors and people with disabilities, are exempt from fees.


Application Process

Site assessments are conducted within 60 days of receipt of an application and payment, and applicants will be notified by mail or email with a zone determination. Please email if you have not received any correspondence 60 days after the application fee has been paid.

If your application is accepted, legislation to create the recommended zone will be noticed to the public and will be heard at the Color Curb public hearing. After the hearing and review with the Color Curb team, the City Traffic Engineer makes a final determination. Read more information about Color Curb public hearings.

If you have questions about whether or not you are eligible for a color curb zone or what type of color curb zone is best suited to your business or organization’s needs, please contact the Color Curb Program before you apply.

Questions about color curb zones? Color Curb FAQ


Contact Information
Color Curb team